With Or Without Blades, The Washing Machine Dilemma

Top-loading washers (i.e., those with the top lid) use the blades or the impeller to mimic the handwash movement. Both wash systems “carve” clothes in a circular or vertical fashion to remove dirt from clothing. However, each system has its own technical characteristics and therefore its advantages and disadvantages.

Blades: Twist and turn to get the grime out

For many decades, a drum and blade washer was the only type of washer in India. Although the design characteristics, number of washing cycles and materials vary for different home appliance brands in India, the basic operation of systemremains the same. They have a stirrer in the center of the washer with propellers or blades that serve to move / rotate the laundry through the water from the top of the washer to the bottom. This agitation, along with the water and detergent, loosens the dirt. The level of movement depends on the washing cycle, for delicate garments it is usually softer.

Impeller: Streams of water to remove dirt

Impeller washers are the other type of vertical washer that came to India after the bladed ones. The drive system replaces the agitator with a plate at the bottom of the drum to create streams of water that move as the plate rotates. In theory, these water currents (vertically, horizontally and circularly), along with detergent, clean clothes without having to use blades or propellers.

Which are more efficient? less water and better washing

Impeller washers are typically more efficient for three reasons, primarily:

Water savers:

Once the user selects the size of the load, the water temperature and the washing cycle, the washing machine does not completely cover the clothes with water, since the plate pulls the clothes to the floor so that it absorbs the water. Unlike a blade washer, the drum is filled to the top and the agitator moves the laundry to provide friction, not taking advantage of the water level.

Easy Drying: Spin speeds are higher therefore laundry ends up drier.

More technology: Intec home appliances like washer have impeller systems, they usually come with more technological features such as ecological drum washing, freedom to intervene during the washing process, rapid washing cycles, etc.

Which ones perform better? laundry and care

Washers with blade systems tend to damage clothes more, since movements are more abrupt, have fewer cycle options and are noisier. However, the blades are good at removing dirt faster, but clothing can end up tangled. In contrast, impeller washers are quieter, larger in capacity, and friendly with laundry care, but this sometimes involves cleaning costs.

In conclusion

A top-loading washing machine is undoubtedly a household favorite. By contrast, front-loading washers are typical of those found in a laundry, given that they are heavy-duty equipment. Between the two types of top-loading systems, a blade washer can make your clothes cleaner and the price is lower, but the technological limitations and noise they produce when working can be the main disadvantages. As for the impeller washer, it is a technology that is advancing, Intec home appliances manufacturers are increasingly striving to provide more efficient, better performing and environmentally friendly equipment. However, costs are higher and vary according to technical characteristics.

Finally, revolutions per minute (rpm) matter. In the case of washing machines, the rpm determines a greater efficiency in the spinning process (that is, the process that the washing machine has to squeeze clothes). The more speed (more rpm) the washing machine has, the less damp the clothes will end. If you want your clothes to come out almost dry, a washing machine that has a rpm of 1,200 to 1,400 rpm is the ideal one. At the same time, keep in mind that some type of clothing should not be subjected to high levels of spinning, therefore, it is convenient that the washing machine has the option of spinning at different levels.

Fans: How To Integrate Them Into Your Home Decoration

We are in the middle of summer, living days with extreme heat, and the fans are a good solution to cool off. Fans are claimed as a decorative element that can look stylish and trendy at the same time, if chosen with care.

If you need to refresh your home, a ceiling fan is a very good option; In addition to keeping your rooms well ventilated and at a comfortable temperature, they are an excellent option to give more space to your spaces, since they are decorative accents that crown the center of the room.

The problem is that the fan is somewhat functional but it should not stand out in your home. On the contrary, it must be integrated. For this the key is to choose one, whose design fits well with the rest of the decoration.

In the bedroom

Of course, a ceiling fan is a good option if you have a high ceiling and an electrical connection in the sky. If you don’t want it to attract so much attention you can choose a white one, or if you want something more sculptural then a wooden one works perfect. A high ceiling theme is anexcellent choice if you have children, because if they jump on the bed, they could hit each other. The idea is to choose a color that integrates well with the decoration.

If you are going for a standing fan, it is best to locate it in a place where traffic does not disturb, especially in the bedroom where space is normally more limited. Intec home appliances offer a huge range of ceiling fans and portable coolers that will not only provide comfort but, also enhance the look of your home.
Dining room

A black and wood surfaced fan predominates the dining space. Also did you know that ceiling fans help scare away flies? They generate a current of air that bothers them, so it does double duty in places where there is food.

In the living room textured fan is also a good alternative. Again, the key is to choose the right design and color, in addition to locating it in a place where it does not bother.

Standing fan

Without a doubt it is important that the style of the fan is ad-hoc to your decoration. If for example you have a very classic style, it will look strange if you incorporate a very contemporary or very retro fan. The important thing is that the view flows when looking at the space, not that it remains fixed on this element.

If you have a covered terrace, this is a good option to take advantage of it during the afternoon. They will help you to revive the atmosphere, as well as serving to scare away the bugs.

So, occupy these fan designs in your home and give them a try. You can buy Intec home appliances to enjoy a huge range of ceiling fans with beautiful themes. Try them in other spaces -especially outdoors- because they are a practical element that also contributes to the decoration.

Transportation Problems When Buying Appliances Online

Thinking to buy Intec home appliances online is one of those things we do, at most, once a year. And it is because these types of items usually require the disbursement of a good investment of money when we acquire one of them we hope to receive the best service to the possible customer. And within this service are the shipping conditions, the subject that will occupy us today.

Ensure that the shipping conditions of the supplier we choose do not offer any lagoon or feature that may harm us is essential to enjoy the best amortization of our investment. In this article, Alife technicians explain what you should look to make sure.home appliances brands in India

First of all, what does the supplier include along with the transport of your order?

Although it would be normal for these types of issues to be quite clear regardless of the provider you go to, unfortunately, the reality is another good different. When you compare different alternatives you should check what the provider includes along with home delivery, since many, however surreal it may seem, do not include the installation of the new appliance or removal of the previous one.

It goes without saying that this will condition your purchase decision, so the advice of our experts is that you look for information on what the provider includes with the transport of your order on your Shipping Conditions page (if you are not even able to find it easily on your website, the thing starts badly).

Installation may be carried out provided the following conditions are met:

  • Do not need additional work such as disassembling doors or furniture that prevent installation.
  • The existing electricity and water connections must be sufficient and comply with the regulations of the maker
  • The service does not include: Integrations, panelling or accessories to perform the water or light connections.

What is the delivery time for my appliances?

As for the time it will take for your Intec home appliance to arrive or the shipping cost, it really depends on where your provider’s warehouse is located and how much distance separate from the delivery address you have indicated, since the greater the distance the greater shipping cost and delivery time.

However, although the delivery time cannot be defined in a general way for all types of cases, it is recommended that you check if the provider of your chosen details in their Shipping conditions what would happen in case the stock of a product runs out and the time of usual delivery increase dramatically (since this type of scenarios can occur in the practice).

Normally, in these cases, the supplier must notify the customer in advance that this increase is possible within the usual delivery period, and the customer must be able to decide if you still want to buy the product or not.

Beware of suppliers that do not warn that this circumstance may occur and anticipate a guarantee to the buyer for these types of cases at the time they occur since otherwise, you could see yourself in the dilemma of paying for an appliance that it will take months to arrive.

We hope this article on the most common problems with shipments and the transport of appliances saves you some disgust in the future.

Sleeping With Air Conditioner ON- Is It Safe?

Are you one of those who believe that air conditioning is bad for your health and that’s why you don’t use it? Surely on more than one occasion, the room temperature has not let you sleep: either because it is too cold or too hot. You have bought a beautiful air conditioner but sometimes you also find it annoying.

Basic rules that the air conditioning is not harmful

So that the air conditioning is not harmful there are three basic rules that you must follow yes or yes: change the filter from time to time, always take care of the cleaning of your device and respect the temperatures both day and night.

It is advisable to carry out a complete review of your air conditioning system by professionals in the installation and maintenance of this equipment in order to avoid the accumulation of bacteria that can cause some discomfort or diseases in the respiratory tract.

Check the temperature you select

According to the best air conditioner brands in India, the temperature is a key factor when operating your air conditioner at night. Thus, the first thing you should consider before launching to enter the degrees you want is that the daytime temperature is not the same as the night-time temperature.

This is because when we are asleep our body decreases in temperature, so if you sleep with the same temperature you maintained during the day it is very likely that you catch a cold. Are you lucky to have an air conditioner with Sleep mode? Well, activate it and sleep.

Noisy air conditioners?

Of course, maybe your problem with the air conditioning is not the temperature, but the noise. It is true that many people find it difficult to fall asleep due to the continuous noise emitted by these devices or even the noise may not consciously bother you but that it does interfere with the quality of sleep.

To avoid the problem of noise, when purchasing a device, the best option is to opt for the installation of ducted air conditioning because the machine is not usually placed in rooms and bedrooms, but in bathrooms. And if you’re worried about the electricity bill, there’s a trick out there! Get an energy-efficient device, cataloged either as A ++ or as A +++, and save!

The purchase of air conditioning equipment is an important decision in the family budget since labor costs must be added to the cost of the equipment. Although a priori the cost of the installation by a qualified professional installer of AC manufacturers in India can be seen as an added expense, the reality is that it is a guarantee of success in the operation and energy saving of the unit and Intec recommends that the installation of the equipment is always performed by a qualified professional.

According to a study by a top brand, 18% of homes that have air conditioning did not have the advice of a professional installer. Among the most frequent failures that occur in air conditioning equipment as a result of an unqualified installation are refrigerant leaks, electrical failures, and poor drainage work.

The first two affect the components of the equipment to cause, in some cases, the complete failure of the unit and the third can cause accidents in the places where the bad installation is located.

How To Choose The Best Online Home Appliance Store And What Are Its Benefits?

In this article, we are not going to talk about online appliance stores specifically. We all know that there are large chain stores, where we can find all kinds of appliances of different brands. Today we want to talk about what the user wants and wants for their perfect online appliance store.

An appliance buyer always looks for a machine that fits and meets their needs. Therefore, it previously performs a search on the internet to find the model that best suits it. Usually, a person who buys this type of item online is a user accustomed to the internet and who uses it frequently. Users who are not so accustomed or not in the habit of using it do not usually go to buy appliances online.

Once the buyer has decided which appliance he wants, he searches for the model or models he has liked in the different stores he knows. Others directly put the model in the search engine, so that all online appliance stores appear where they sell it. When deciding in which online appliance store to buy the product, the buyer decides according to the conditions offered by the store.

The price, guarantee, the time it takes for the order to take home and many other factors are determining when a person decides to buy Intec home appliances or not at an online store. The same or even worse happens with appliances because when dealing with products at high prices, people usually look more closely at the conditions of the store before making the decision.

Main benefits of buying in the online market

Without a doubt, one of the main benefits that e-commerce offers you is the possibility of acquiring products from the comfort of your home, which finally represents greater savings for your pocket, because you do not have to move to a physical store.

More product description

When you buy an Intec home appliance online, the possibilities of choosing the correct model are extended, and that is precisely one of the advantages of electronic commerce that shows in greater detail the description of each article, which is favourable for you to evaluate the characteristics of the appliance before buying it.


This is the main virtue of the online market because it guarantees you the possibility of buying from your home at any time of the day. In this way with the use of your computer and mobile equipment you can click on the product that best suits your needs and pay with the format of your preference. Apart from that, these companies offer you home delivery and start-up of the appliance or the replacement of the damaged device with the new one.

Best price

Another advantage of online stores is that they have better prices than commercial establishments, which translates into savings on some occasions of up to 25%. Also, on the Internet, you could get countless comparative tables of the different appliances that are a useful tool for you to choose the product with a greater discount.

Fast and reliable service.

On many occasions you go to e-commerce is because you need to quickly solve the replacement of an appliance that has been damaged and normally the services of online stores are quite efficient and offer next day delivery. Similarly, there is no risk of losing money because they offer real-time information on the process of buying and delivering the product.

E-Commerce Trends In Appliance Sales

Since the internet has evolved into a global and open space, with great economic potential to generate commercial projects, the creation and success of online businesses have been improving every year, starting with small static websites with few sales, at infinity of dynamic websites with millions of products from both small and large companies.

Where does e-commerce come from and where is it going?

In this sense, it can be understood that the evolution of the Internet towards a commercial space has meant a revolution for companies and citizens since a digitalized society has been created where not only information is consulted, but can be sold and bought services and products.

All this has made it increase the economic development of companies and create new business models, which makes the Internet as a means that gives great business opportunities.home appliances brands in India

2019 e-commerce trends

Through the study of “evolution and prospects of e-commerce for 2018 and 2019”, we can get an idea of ​​what is to come and the new trends in the matter of electronic commerce.

We know that its great growth comes from the hand of evolution in the implementation and execution of e-commerce platforms. Every time more simplified and technologically accessible platforms are used for all types of entrepreneurs since they make it faster to market.

Therefore, it is planned to create more platforms in this regard to make the online commerce market much larger, accessible and easy to use for all businesses.

Social networks are becoming more and more sales channels, so these networks are increasingly adapting to facilitate the purchase and sale of products and services which will increase the numbers of trade in social networks.

Another very innovative and successful element is being voice search, but until this year it is not trying to implement in e-commerce. In 2019, the development of functionalities for platforms such as Alexa or Google Home will be implemented and used more than ever and with this, the sale of products will be facilitated through the use of voice only.

The omni-channel is being enhanced in every way, the omni-channel CRM is being given, which will make it possible for a customer to be recognized in the same way in the physical store, than in social networks, than in ecommerce, in order to offer a more personalized and satisfying customer experience.

Another trend is that more and more physical stores are becoming places of passage or places of the first contact with the product and then buy the products online. Therefore, e-commerce is being included in physical stores, without altering delivery times and facilitating online shopping in stores, which is a trend that is being used more and more every day.

The majority of e-commerce expects to grow, especially the largest and most billing e-commerce. As for the average ticket, 64% of e-commerce foresees that it will remain the same as in 2018.

In relation to mobile e-commerce, 63% of respondents foresee that sales in mobile e-commerce will be more than 25% of their total billing. As for the omnichannel strategy, respondents believe that omnichannel sales will increase by as much as 10%, with the most used omnichannel technologies being the native App and Social WiFi.

Buy intec home appliances online to get the best prices.

How Are Today’s Household Appliances Presented?

The home appliance market is evolving more and more and its use is becoming a real way of life in today’s world. The word household appliance is also adhered by the profession to the term white. It is subdivided into two categories, namely: small household appliances and large Intec home appliances.

These devices are for domestic use unlike industrial devices and require electricity to work. There are many: there is the extractor fan, the washing machine, the washing machine, the fridge, the freezer, the dishwasher, the coffee maker, the kettle, the blender, the toaster, the food processor, etc. Currently, all of these tools come in different models with different functions. A wide range of high-end products is now available from several design companies.

Repair of household appliances.

In real-time, the repair can be done by the user himself but in case of deadlock, the recourse to professionals is essential. Repairing or repairing household appliances consists of identifying the cause of the failure and making the necessary repairs to start it up. Nowadays, there is a consumer protection regime applying to certain devices such as stoves, refrigerators, freezers, dishwashers, microwave ovens.

New modes of household appliances.

From a simple point of view, we know how to recognize a cheesy model and a high-tech model in terms of household appliances. The current style covets the ultra-flat and a resistant format of home automation tools that is to say models of large capacity. This is why the digital and touch screen has become fashionable on the new generation of devices, whether domestic or electronic. The screen promotes communication between the device and its user. Intec is one of the companies that contributes to this real progress in the world of household appliances which is both practical and efficient.

Take into account needs

The first criterion to consider before buying your appliance is the role it will play. In most cases, they guarantee great utility, but not defining needs in advance will push you to use it at all times. This will contribute to increasing the consumption of energy and therefore of the bill. So before spending a fortune on an accessory, find out if you can’t do without it or find another more efficient and economical solution.

If you have to buy a refrigerator, for example, ask yourself if you should take a model with a built-in or separate freezer. It will all depend on whether you prepare meals in advance and keep them. Similarly, for the washing machine, do not rush directly on a model equipped with a dryer. The latter will be more expensive and use more energy. Once your clothes are washed, you can dry them in the open air: very economical and ecological.

Choose connected objects or not

With the advance of technology, you will find on the market today many very sophisticated household appliances. They can connect to a smartphone, a tablet, and control themselves remotely. For example, you will be able to see the contents of your refrigerator, program the start of the washing machine or stop the washing machine. If you have to opt for these models, you will benefit from:

  • Remote diagnosis to detect anomalies in advance and prevent breakdowns;
  • A consumption statistic to know the consumption differences.

However, do not run straight to these very attractive technologies. Also, take the time to analyze the drawbacks to find out if it is really worth it to buy Intec home appliances.

Guide To Saving Energy With The Air Conditioner

Those who have already opted for an air conditioning system, deciding to contrast the summer heatwave with a fixed or mobile device, will probably have already noticed a certain difference on the electricity bill. There is some way to reduce it.

It is true that the latest generation air conditioners allow you to significantly reduce energy consumption and produce little noise compared to their ancestors, but some tricks could help further improve the performance and efficiency of the air conditioner.

Tips for buying an air conditioner

First of all, the system must be correctly sized with respect to our needs: rely on a specialized technician or home appliances brands in India. Indicative cost for an inspection: 50 euros, often deducted from the purchase of the air conditioner.

You must choose an air conditioner of higher energy class (A +++, A ++, A +) and with inverter technology: compared to an on/off model, the saving is 30% on electricity consumption. Domestic air conditioners are called “compression” and can be mobile or fixed.

Mobile air conditioners

The appliances air conditioners furniture are portable and very practical: they cost more than the fixed, do not require installation, do not require masonry work and can “follow” from room to room. The disadvantage is that they always need an ajar window to allow the passage of the exhaust pipes, which allows hot air and external humidity to enter the house.

The fixed air conditioner

Fixed air conditioners are instead fixed to a wall: they are more efficient, less expensive and less noisy than mobile ones. However, they must be installed by specialized personnel because electrical cables and conduits are hidden inside the walls. By avoiding that the air conditioner is hit directly by the sun’s rays and installing it away from heat sources, electricity consumption is reduced by up to 5%.

The energy label of the air conditioner

With the energy labels in force since January 2013, even small models, with power less than or equal to 12 kilowatts, must indicate the reference energy class. These air conditioners must now all be equipped with inverters (it is still worth checking).

It is a technology that allows you to adapt the operating mode of the compressor to the actual room temperature- the colder you need (room with ajar windows and many people inside) the stronger it is, the less it is needed (closed room with two people) the more it goes plan – and therefore to reduce electricity consumption: up to 30% over eight hours of continuous operation.

Where to place and how to adjust the air conditioner to save?

According to AC manufacturers in India, the correct positioning of the outdoor unit is an important step for the reduction of energy consumption. A bit like the refrigerator, in fact, the air conditioner takes heat from a cooler environment and then transfers it to a warmer one: that’s why it is better to place the outdoor unit in a shady spot and protect glass and windows from direct sunlight.

Sun- Attempting to bring the temperature of the environment in which you live below 26° C is unhealthy, as well as expensive. An excessive temperature change could only cause you many ailments. It is, therefore, better to set the right temperature, perhaps using the timer and when possible dehumidify rather than the condition.

On any model of the air conditioner the choice falls, it is right to remember that in summer the ideal temperature is 27 ° C with a humidity between 40 and 60%. It is highly recommended that the difference between the internal and external temperature does not exceed 7 ° C to avoid too high-temperature changes and consequent health problems.

All Household Appliances You Need At Your Home

Today, it is impossible to do without household appliances. In addition, if they were once a staple in the kitchen, they can be found in every room of the house today. Here are all the must buy Intec home appliances to properly equip your home with appliances.

The essential household appliances in your home

A modern, practical and efficient kitchen must include the following equipment:

The classic oven

More than a device for baking, having an oven in your kitchen is mandatory. Recent models are equipped with a multitude of cooking modes and functions. Even today there are ovens with an LCD screen, allowing cooks to easily use this material.

Used to reheat dishes, the microwave oven is very useful in everyday life. The choice is wide with the different brands available on the market. The same is true for the price and size. Finally, with the new models, you have at your disposal many functionalities that will facilitate your use.

The fridge

Who says functional kitchen says kitchen equipped with a refrigerator. This device is available in many different styles. Make your choice according to your budget, without forgetting to take into account the surface available in your kitchen. This is the best way to properly organize this space. In addition, all manufacturers are currently starting to manufacture smart devices to facilitate our daily lives. To have equipment that can be adjusted remotely, choose the connected refrigerator.

The Induction cooker

Very popular with consumers, the induction cooker is a multifunction device. With this equipment, you can cook, fry, simmer, knead or reheat a dish. Thanks to these various features, your kitchen will be rid of cluttered utensils. With this innovative device, you just have to pour all the ingredients and select the menu, this equipment will do the rest of the work for you. It already has many pre-established menus.

The washing machine

Most of the homes nowadays have a washing machine. This appliance is, in fact, very practical for washing dirty laundry. Modern washing machines are more and more economical, ultra-practical and very comfortable with a lower noise level. In addition, all manufacturers are currently starting to manufacture smart devices to facilitate our daily lives. To have equipment that can be adjusted remotely, choose the connected refrigerator. You can manage it via your smartphone or tablet.


Several technologies are available in terms of television. Choosing an ultra-high-definition LED TV is no longer just a matter of choosing the screen size. We will have to choose its technology. LED technology is the most efficient. There is also the classic LCD which consumes less energy while having a better rendering. The definition also differentiates televisions. You have the choice between Full HD, 4K and 4K Ultra HD.

To make your daily life easier, it is also possible to automate your home with connected objects, such as a connected smoke detector and a radiator, or an alarm or a connected camera.

Purchase And Assistance For Household Appliances: Known Brands Or Sub-Brands?

The purchase and assistance of appliances always put us in front of long-standing questions: where to buy? Buy branded or not? Where to take it to repair?

We want a new refrigerator or a new washing machine or dishwasher because our old appliance is broken, not working or else and the question arises whether it is better to buy one from a well-known brand or one from an unknown brand?

The advantage of the second option is that it will most likely allow us to save money. Still, perhaps by choosing more consolidated home appliances brands in India, we could receive more technical assistance in the event of a failure. This is indeed part of taking into consideration the positive and negative aspects of buying branded appliances or not.The Chase for the Best Kind of Split Air Conditioner

Certainly, there are less popular brands because they are less publicized, which are able to provide reliable and quality products, many of them, for example, are found in some supermarkets that tend to sponsor one sub-brand rather than another. Probably in these cases, real commercial partnerships are created, and the advantage for the user is that of having an important chain of supermarkets.

A parallel discussion can be opened on the subject of appliance repairs. Unfortunately, this argument brings with it some thorny issues. Although it can be said that these arise to a greater extent after the warranty period has ended. Here potential troubles could start on a little-known brand including:

  • If it can be repaired
  • The pieces needed for repair will be found
  • How much the repair will cost

In part the same questions would be applicable to Intec home appliances, but perhaps with another shade. The big brands are continually creating products, so a two-year-old washing machine (for example) may already be old, and therefore, questions about reparability or traceability of the necessary parts may become necessary even after a modest number of years. Let’s think, for example, of the technological progress of televisions in recent years or even of washing machines.

The official home appliance service centres are well distributed from a geographical point of view, and among other things, there is also the alternative of finding good home repairers; they are usually freelance technicians, who can come and repair your fridge or your washing machine directly at your home.

If you find the right professional, honest and with reasonable prices, this would be the optimal solution when you go out of the warranty period, also because these repairers do the job before your eyes, just like a plumber would do, and so you can be quieter on the actual need for the spare part or on the actual specific intervention on that part of the faulty device.

The speech is different for a brand that is not well known. Even if you bring our appliance to the place of purchase, it is not so easy that you can have precise or satisfactory indications.

Perhaps this company has disappeared, either because it failed, because it is absorbed by another and here the greatest difficulties begin. There are specialist repair shops, but they are not so common in small towns. But by identifying one of these assistance centers, the repair could take place without too many problems or hitch.

So there is no 100% optimal solution in any case. Unfortunately, it could be said that each case is in its own right, and the only experience can help in these cases.