Which Intec Air Conditioner should I buy? A detailed comparison between Windows AC and Split AC.

As most of the people in India can afford luxury due to rise in income due to which sales of air conditioner unit are increasing day by day. At one point often people confuse, and that is which intec air conditioner one should buy the window AC or split AC. Undoubtedly both ACs provide cooling and work efficiently. But still, there is a huge difference in the cost and functioning of both air condition units.

Let’s have a detailed comparison between Windows AC and Split Ac and know which is best for you:

Window ac and Split ac are two different types of units. Both are different in pricing and functioning. That’s why it is necessary to familiar with the pros and cons of both the units before making your purchase.

The split air condition unit comprises of two units. One is external, and another is installed inside the room. The external unit consists of compressor and condenser and also known as ODU (outdoor unit) whereas the internal unit consists of the evaporative part and known as IDU (indoor unit).

On the other hand window, ac is a cuboids shape unit that contains all the parts inside it such as condenser, compressor, expansion valve and other related components.

Many split air conditioner manufacturers in india make a quality product. Split air conditioner takes more space as compared to the window ac. Most people residing in flats don’t have large space to accommodate widow ac that’s why they prefer to buy split ac as window ac require a large opening for efficient working.

For your information, the outer end of all kinds of ACs require proper ventilation, and if you install split ac in a less ventilated area, your air condition unit starts troubling soon.

Most people have less space for split ac, but they purchase it and install the external unit in balconies because split ac looks attractive and creates almost zero noise. On other side window ac needs proper ventilation at its back, and you have to put it on the wall which may ruin your interior. Also, it creates noise which may disturb your sleep.

Every window air conditioner brand in india suggest to install it at the place where it gets large opening as the whole unit confined in a single piece of box and should be installed properly to avoid accidents. Whereas split ac requires three holes that connect IDU to ODU through a pipe and that hole is hidden behind the internal unit (IDU) that’s why split ac looks attractive and is easy in installation.

As all heating components of split ac are installed outside, there is no question of entering extra heat inside your room resulting the room gets cool in minimum time. Whereas windows ac provide less cooling in comparison to split ac as there are chances that a few percents of heat emitted can re-enter into the room.

The split air conditioner price is quite higher than the window air conditioner price due to several factors such as units, ease of installment, electricity consumption, looks, etc. Intec is considering the best air conditioner brand in india that provides efficient servicing with its network of service providers and engineers.

Tips To Choose Air Conditioner Brands In India

The extreme climate condition in several parts of India lets the markets flooded with the different types of Air-conditions available according to size, budget and requirement. Air-conditioner is the most desired gadget during summers and you can be confused while buying it, to know that which one is suitable for you and your home. It comes in different variants such as split, window and inverter ac. To make your purchase fruitful below I have mentioned few tips to choose the best air conditioner brands in India.

First of all we should know the difference between all three variants of air conditioner:

Split AC: It has two parts an indoor unit and outdoor unit that work simultaneously bring down the temperature of your room. It cools your room in very less time, energy efficient and produces almost zero sound.

Window AC: It is the most common air conditioner that mounts on a wall or window. The evaporator is placed room facing while opposite side works for heat rejection.

Inverter AC: These air conditioners are the most advance, efficient and low energy consuming devices. Inverter Ac’s doesn’t need to switch on or off again and again that will not put extra burden on compressor and enhance its productivity and life.

Which Variant of AC Should I Buy?

Well it depends upon the need, space and budget. The cheapest one is windows AC. You can buy it if you are low in budget. You can purchase a Split AC that consists of two units. The heat rejection unit can be placed over roof or can be hand in balconies to avoid entering hot air in your premises. The conventional devices switch on and off several times automatically which takes lots of electricity.

Our advice is to buy an Inverter AC which is the most advance machine that runs smoothly without overload your pocket in terms of electricity bills. But you should know the right time and information about the product.

What things to Considered While Buying Air Conditioner?

It is difficult to choose among the top air conditioner brands in India. But with the right information and little research you can successfully purchase an ideal air conditioner for you. Look at the five points carefully while making your purchase.

Capacity: Your floor size can decide the capacity of AC. One ton capacity is sufficient for up to 120 sq. ft. area. 1.5 ton for up to 200 sq. ft. and 2 ton is ideal for more than 200 sq. ft. area.

Efficiency: Bureau of Energy known as BEE has given start rating to all electronics equipments. The more star the machine has more it is energy efficient. You should buy an air conditioner that has 3 or more star rating. The more is the star rating the less electricity it will consume.

Copper/Aluminum Coil: Air conditioners come with both copper and aluminum coil. The former costs little high but has longer life then the later one.

Installation and Charges: Don’t forget to ask for installation terms and conditions from your vendor. Almost every company provides installation of machine at your premises with every purchase. Sometimes it costs zero rupees while sometimes you need to pay little amount as installation charges.

After Sale and Service: Choose the brand that provides longer support for after sales and service of the product. Buy Intec home appliances which are the surety of peace and value for money.

Check all the parameters in details while buying air conditioner. The best time to buy air conditioner at discounted price is off winters.

Where Is It Better To Place Your Air Conditioning Split?

The arrival of good weather always causes for joy, but then comes the heat and high temperatures; spend our leisure time in a home that is not comfortable is not pleasant at all, so it is normal that we consider installing an air conditioning system that makes these months much more bearable.

Of all the questions that become apparent when we decide to include this equipment in our home, one of the most repeated places is where we will locate the split or the splits that will provide us with the desired temperature. First of all, we must bear in mind that air conditioning systems that use splits (indoor units) also require an outdoor unit, which is the one that will be located outside the home and that allows hot air to escape. The next thing to consider is split air conditioner price and how many splits we will need to make our home life comfortable.

To assess this, we will have to take into account many factors: depending on the area in which we live, there will be specific climatic conditions that we should consider. The orientation of our house or apartment (another important factor), will also influence our air conditioning needs, as well as checking that there are no places where the outside temperature can sneak in. And, of course, we will also consider the aesthetic conditions that we prefer in our home at the time of carrying out the choice of the system.

It is necessary that we also think about the hours we spend at home and in what areas we invest them in obtaining the best possible performance from the equipment we buy. The best idea is always to place the splits in the places of greatest transit, that is, in those that we spend most of the time. One of the places where it is most practical to place the split is in the living room: it is a meeting place and a place to rest, where you can spend hours in front of the television, and it is a much-indicated place in most cases.

Another of the most recurrent places when placing an internal unit of air conditioning in the master bedroom; it is a room where, without a doubt, we will spend many hours, besides being essential regarding rest and recovery of energy. Sleeping well helps us face each day, and that is why taking care of the environment is so important. By placing a split in the bedroom, we ensure that a factor as annoying as excessive heat prevents us from falling asleep.

The multi-split systems are efficient when it comes to saving costs and increasing the profitability of the systems: you will have the ideal temperature in more places of the house, being able to regulate each environment according to needs and preferences, and you will only need an outdoor unit to keep everything active. As advised by split air conditioner manufacturers in India, the outdoor unit must be located between ten and twenty meters away from the splits; nor should we forget its regular maintenance, as well as that of the internal units.

So if you plan to incorporate a system by splits in your house for this summer, a system of these characteristics is comfortable to install, to maintain. You can choose how many splits to put and how to distribute them according to your needs, and even program our equipment, so that activate at certain times and thus find our home always at the perfect temperature.

Air Conditioning In The Baby Room: Good Idea?

Summer is here; we put away the baby’s coat in favor of light t-shirts to support the hot days ahead. While it is already difficult for us adults to bear the heat, for baby, it is even more complicated. He does not yet know how to regulate the temperature of his body and cannot express what he feels.

Have you noticed as a baby with sweaty skin when it’s hot? For him it is a real ordeal, and everything becomes more complicated: he eats less, is grumpy, small buttons appear and especially, nights and naps are challenging and are not relaxing for him.

To overcome this discomfort during the day, the first thing to do is, of course, to hydrate your baby as much as possible. The kid should also be dressed as lightly as possible, offer water games or lightly sprays with a mist.

For sleep, several solutions also exist, but one is particularly useful and interesting: the air conditioning in the baby room.


That’s right; you will often hear that the air conditioning is not very environmentally friendly. This was true for models of the dinosaur era, but nowadays, the air conditioner manufacturer companies in India has progressed well and offers much more powerful devices.

You might have heard that air conditioning makes you sick. Well no, if it is not projected directly in the face or it is not too strong. As for the previous point, the new models are very well developed and can adjust the temperature and the opening of the flaps for air.


The temperature should lie between 18 and 19°C, but ideally, there should not be a temperature gap of more than 5 ° C between inside and outside. The air conditioner should be installed as far as possible from the bed and if possible near a ventilation source (window, door). The airflow must be light and non-aggressive on the skin. The goal is to refresh the room a little.

You must also take into consideration that different equipment exists for air conditioning:


The Monobloc air conditioner is by far the simplest and quietest. It does not require any prior installation and is transported from one room to another. It is ideal for small rooms, but can only work a few hours a day. For the baby night, it is perfect to start it about two hours before bedtime and turn it off at this time to make it easier to fall asleep.


The split is an air conditioner that is split into two blocks, unlike the Monobloc. One part is installed outside and the other inside. It is ideal for a room such as a bedroom and remains silent. Two models are available, namely the fixed model which requires the intervention of a refrigeration technician for the installation and a mobile system, which can be installed by yourself.


The reversible air conditioning allows a dual use: heating in winter, air conditioner in summer. This installation is usually much more expensive and less silent. However, it is more potent for more significant parts.


Today, more use is made of natural gas absorption and solar air conditioning, which are more modern and also more environmentally friendly. Ask air conditioner best brands in India to find the system that best suits your needs.

Water Flows From The Air Conditioner – Causes

Water must flow from the air conditioner, but only where necessary and when needed. It is a matter of removing the condensate formed on the heat exchanger. This process is natural and is conditioned by the technology of the device itself. The moisture accumulates in the pan and is discharged through the drainage tubes. But if it flows not from the drainage, but from the indoor unit to the floor in the room – the Intec air conditioner needs help!

Causes of leakage

The very first reason is the wrong installation of the device after purchase. For example, you cannot mount the air conditioner over a table with the equipment installed on it, continually heating. Also, the correct slope of the drainage pipe is significant. If it does not have a bias or even “looks” upward, it is clear that moisture will drain into the block. Leakage is unavoidable if the drainage end is lowered into a container with water, and in devices without a siphon – simply stuck in the sewer pipe.

  • In the models of air conditioners equipped with a drain pump, the most common cause of leaks is the pump failure. Owners of cassette and channel systems equipped with pumps, it is necessary to prevent their breakdowns.
  • In the hot summer climate technology often works non-stop day and night. In this regard, often the pallet is overfilled, moisture does not have time to be drained, a leak is formed.
  • The drainage tube is not an eternal element. It can rot, rupture due to mechanical influences, and, of course, leak.
  • Cold is a test for your air conditioner “for durability.” During daytime thaws and night frosts, the heat exchanger can be covered with a layer of ice, which, when melted, will drain into the block. And already from the block, he will leak into the room.
  • The motion of the working fluid in the air conditioning system must pass without “stumbling,” that is, the circuit must be sealed. If its depressurization takes place, for example, due to the weakening of the nozzles or the initial weak fixing of them, the leakage of the working fluid is unavoidable.
  • Winter can not only be cooled by a heat exchanger, but also by a drain hose. This is the case if you wanted to turn the cooling mode into frost, and your air conditioner is not equipped with a “winter kit.” In the drainage pipe from the condensate appears a cork of ice, which, melting, will flow into the room.
  • Often the cause of leaks is an overabundance of refrigerant in the system. This is a direct consequence of improper (or too frequent) refueling. Under the influence of internal pressure, the working fluid leaks, which, incidentally, is fraught with damage to the air conditioner, and not just a “puddle on the floor.”

Clogging in the drainage due to fluff, dust, etc. will necessarily lead to leaks. Moisture has nowhere to go, except how to flow to you on the floor of the block. Such trouble can be eliminated on its own – gently blowing the tube or cleaning the drain holes.

If you do not have the expertise and knowledge to eliminate leakage on your own, always invite a specialist of best split air conditioner brands in India. Only in this way will you prevent breakdowns due to careless or incompetent action. Do not forget that any air conditioner is a very complicated arrangement.

Where is It Better to Place Your Split Air Conditioner?

The arrival of good weather is always a cause for joy, but then comes the heat and high temperatures; spending leisure time in an uncomfortable home is not pleasant at all, so it is normal to consider installing an air conditioning system that makes these months much more bearable.

Of all the questions that arise when you decide to include these equipment in your home, one of the most recurrent is where you will place the split that will provide the desired temperature.

You should not forget that less power consumption air conditioner use divisions (indoor units) that require an outdoor unit, which is the one that will be located outside the home and allows hot air to escape. The next thing to consider is how many splits you will need to make your home life comfortable.

To assess this, multiple factors should be noted: depending on the area in which you live, there will be specific climatic conditions that one should consider. The orientation of the house or apartment Continue reading

Tips to Make Your Air Conditioning Last Longer

Did you know that air conditioning can deteriorate prematurely if preventive maintenance is not done? However, there are some simple steps to extend air conditioner’s life.

A significant investment is made when you buy an air conditioner, and once it has been installed, it is vital that you do not forget to maintain it.

Best air conditioner best brand in India recommends that a professional installer performs a regular maintenance service. With this service, they make sure that the air conditioning reaches the maximum efficiency and the useful life, and therefore the optimization of your savings over time. However, there are simple steps you can take.

 Here are six tips to make your air conditioning last longer.

  1. Pay attention if the equipment makes unusual sounds. Be aware of the differences in the operation of the air conditioner. If there is any sound or operation that is not common and that over time becomes worse, it may be due, for example to a gas leak. If this happens, you should contact your installer or split air conditioner manufacturers in India.
  2. Clean regularly. It is not enough to just put your air conditioner ready for summer, the most effective way to prolong the duration of it is to clean the filters regularly. It is recommended to do it every three months, always depending on the intensity of use.
  3. Keep the outdoor unit under supervision. If you use the air conditioner to heat the house in winter, make sure that the water that can leave the bottom of the outdoor unit during defrosting has enough free space. In winter, the water can freeze and therefore form an ice blockage that can damage the device.
  4. Knowing the meaning of the buttons on the remote will help you get the most out of your air conditioner using the different system modes. In this way, you will make efficient use of your air conditioner and save more energy.
  5. Turn off air conditioning equipment when not in use. In this way, you not only prolong its useful life but also save energy and avoid excessive expenditure on the electricity bill.
  6. And finally, it has the help of a professional installer. Let the installer check the amount of gas in the appliance’s heatsink. If the air conditioner has a low gas level, it will not be able to warm or cool the house thoroughly. The compressor can also fail if it runs with a meager amount of gas.

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Best Air Conditioning Systems For Your Restaurant

When one thinks of settling a business, there are many aspects to consider: undoubtedly, one of the most important is to achieve the comfort of customers every time they visit your establishment. This gains importance, if possible, at the moment, in which the premises belong to the service sector since it implies that the visitor will stay a while in the premises to enjoy what is offered there. For that reason, it is essential that restaurants and fast food establishments have air conditioning and ventilation systems that ensure the comfort of customers, whatever the time they spend there.

AC manufacturers in India offers a wide variety of heating, cooling and ventilation equipment. Thanks to its wide range of systems, each business can enable its facilities with the solutions that best suit the needs of the service, regardless of the characteristics of the location or the environment in which it is located. Every business is a world: for example, many fast food places do not usually include separators between the kitchen section and space where customers eat, so that proper ventilation that facilitates the dispersion of odors is essential.

Within the vast variety of equipment that one can incorporate into an establishment, it is necessary to examine your needs before choosing carefully. In the general installation, you can select Intec Air Conditioners, each with specific equipment but both highly efficient.

Intec home appliances offer lowest power consumption air conditioner in India that connects the outdoor unit of the heat pump with the radiators, characterized by their elevated levels of energy efficiency (32% more efficient than conventional type radiators), a Continue reading

Air Conditioning in The Healthcare Sector: A Commitment to Health and Comfort

The air conditioning improves our lives in many aspects, and in very different contexts. Thanks to advances and the benefits of refrigeration and heating equipment, you can find yourself at the desired temperature both in the home as well as workplace, regardless of the season that you meet.

However, one of the applications of this equipment that is of paramount importance, when entering into play elements such as hygiene and health, is in the clinical and hospital environment. Hospitals must have machines that provide overall health requirements and, also, these are subject to maintenance on a regular basis to avoid problems (such maintenance is carried out through a strict protocol); it must be noted that the air circulating in the ventilation ducts is distributed throughout the installations.

In these areas, it is usual to opt for electric systems, since they include the adequate services to meet the needs of different areas of the hospital environment, such as corridors or waiting rooms. With the new models of Intec split air conditioners, elevated levels of efficiency are achieved, since the system has been designed to offer great flexibility and performance in installations. These devices require good energy efficiency Continue reading

Advice When Installing Your Air Conditioning Device

In order to achieve the highest possible comfort in your homes and places of everyday transit (work, public sites, etc.), it is logical to consider a solution as widespread and compelling as the installation of an air conditioning system; whether air conditioning, heating or combining both options.
Below are some tips that will be useful when deciding the air conditioning of your space:

Characteristics of space:

Each property and area is different, just like the people who live in them, and therefore it is vital to consider these characteristics and preferences to know precisely what will be more useful for air conditioning purposes.
The orientation of the place to air condition also determines the results of a team (number of hours of sun that it receives), it is necessary to verify that the property is adequately isolated and there are no slits through which it can sneak the temperature outside.
Knowing the space to air condition is an essential step before deciding what type of system to buy from window air conditioner manufacturers in India.

The wide variety of systems

The options regarding air conditioning are many Continue reading