Benefits Of The Air Conditioning Control System By Zones

From a professional point of view, an air conditioning system (ACS) is understood as a system that primarily provides sanitary and hygienic requirements – the supply of fresh air in an amount not less than a sanitary standard and the maintenance of optimal (permissible) parameters of the microclimate in the room – temperature and humidity conditions.

The advantages of these systems include flexibility of regulation, the ability to maintain the required temperature conditions in each room.

where to buy Intec air conditioner

The control zone is a control system for your ducts that can handle cooling and heating for your home. This system helps only select rooms receive air conditioning.

Zone regulation (or zoning) is a thermal concept that allows temperature control in different rooms while using the minimum amount of air and optimizing the comfort of each. This therefore makes it possible, when a room is unoccupied, not to heat or cool it unnecessarily. The air flow is optimized according to the demand of each room.

Thanks to the different algorithms developed by the brand, it is possible to control each zone independently of each other, in a single integrated system. You can thus easily and very precisely control their air conditioning and heating system at home or remotely, all thanks to AC manufacturers in India.

The principle of operation of this control system is based on a change in the supply air flow rate depending on the heat load in this particular room. At the same time, the required temperature is maintained in each room individually, regardless of which mode.

The zonal control system is designed by home appliances brands in India (has a different algorithm of functioning) to operate under the following air processing modes: heating, cooling, ventilation. In each mode, the system has a specific algorithm of functioning.

The main elements of the zonal regulation system are:

  • Microprocessor-based operating unit (collects readings from temperature sensors, analyzes and selects operating modes, generates air dampers control signals, optimizes the operation of the air conditioner, etc.);
  • User interface (display of current parameters of indoor climate and outdoor air parameters, programming of parameters in each zone for a 7-day period
  • Set of zone sensors or zone control panels (measurement of current values ​​of temperature in rooms)
  • Bypass valve – adjustable dampers
  • Air terminal devices

There are benefits to zone control:

Reduced energy bills:  the most important advantage of a zone control system is that it allows you to stop sending air to empty rooms, unless your house is very crowded, it is very likely that there will always be an empty room or two, and it is a waste of energy to avoid the air conditioning, so this way the zone control system gives you energy and pocket savings.

Personalized comfort: To avoid discussions about where the equipment is placed, the zone control system is a ticket to leave those non-conformities.

Even Cooling – Bringing cool air to every section of your home can create uneven temperatures (especially in multi-story homes with high ceilings. Turning on cooling one area while another is heated can allow for a more even temperature distribution.

Why There Is A Great Demand Of Inverter Air Conditioners?

It is not surprising that now there is a great demand for household appliances for air cooling, since nature is radically changing. Manufacturers of Intec home appliances offer a huge selection and assortment.

But many buyers orient their choice on the price of the product, and only then on its capabilities. This attitude can be explained either by ignorance or unwillingness to even delve into the possibilities of technology.

Anyone who wants not only to add comfort to their home, but also to save a little by reading this article, will be able to realize their intentions.

We are sure that this article will clarify many nuances in all the details- not only in the choice, but also in the purchase of good household appliances to improve comfort in home.

Only 15-20 years ago, an air conditioner installed in a house or apartment was a real rarity. In the best case, the happy owners of such a technique most often could boast. Now, when buying climatic equipment, people are interested not only in air conditioning, but in inverter-type air conditioners.

You have probably heard that inverter air conditioning can save you a lot of money when the electricity bill arrives, but do we really know why?

Inverter air conditioners are capable of smoothly regulating performance. A conventional air conditioner is often turned on and off, and a split system with an inverter works continuously, changing the power depending on the conditions.

The owner is not only free from noise, but also saves up to 40% of electricity.

Benefits of inverter air conditioner

  • Comfort: the desired temperature is quickly reached and precisely maintained.
  • Energy savings thanks to precise digital power control and efficient compressor.
  • Reliability and quieter operation due to elimination of compressor on/off cycles.

If you, purchasing a split-system, want not only to survive the next surge of heat, but expect a long and efficient operation of equipment at any time of the year, you want to get maximum comfort with a minimum of energy consumption, then the installation of an inverter air conditioner provided by air conditioner manufacturer companies in India will be for you optimal solution.

In the case of inverter equipment, once the ambient temperature is close to the desired one, the compressor slows down, lowering its performance by up to 10% of its capacity, in this way we achieve great energy savings since multiple starts and stops of the compressor are avoided.

In this way, the compressor saves many starts and stops in one day of operation, saving between 30 and 60% in electrical energy in a year.


Before buying an inverter air conditioner produced by air conditioner manufacturers in India, find out well about the characteristics of the equipment and take into account how big or small is the space where you are going to place it, so you can know if you need one or more equipment, or something with less power.

Recommendations For Saving Energy When Using Air Conditioning

Saving energy is not only good for the fight against climate change, it is also good for our pockets. Thus, seeking energy efficiency becomes a necessity for a more sustainable development.

Air conditioners have become commonplace in many homes. Therefore, sustainable use and energy efficiency are essential to save emissions to the atmosphere and money. A less power consumption air conditioner can save up to 60% more than a conventional one.

One must be aware that installing an air conditioner expensive, not only because of the cost of the device and the work, but also because of the energy consumption that it implies.

If you want to continue using your air conditioning but at the same time you want to save energy and lower consumption a little, follow these little tips and we assure you that you will see the difference in a short time.

  • The air conditioner must be located in the part of the house in which the sun reaches less.
  • The more humidity there is, the more you have to lower the temperature. In equipment with humidity control, it should be kept between 40% and 60% with respect to air.
  • An average home with air conditioning consumes more than 2,000 kW each year to be cooled. According to air conditioner manufacturer companies in India, high-efficiency air conditioners can reduce energy consumption by 20 to 50 percent, and remember that the best units on the market are up to 70 percent more efficient than older air conditioners.
  • To get maximum efficiency from your air conditioner, turn it off when no one is in the house. If you want the interior of the house to be cool, program the air conditioner to turn on half an hour before your return.
  • Keep the air conditioner filter clean.
  • If only the room where the system is located is being used, close the doors and keep the interior temperature at 24 ºC, at least (it is a comfortable and efficient temperature, since a lower temperature consumes more energy and costs more). For example, specialists point out that at 23 ºC it costs 18 percent more and at 20 ºC it costs 39 percent more.
  • Once the room has cooled down, turn off the air conditioner and use fans to keep you comfortable. When the room warms up again, cool it with air conditioning again and then use the fans once more. By using this method, you can reduce the conditioner’s on-time by 20 to 40 percent.
  • Every degree you lower the temperature supposes an 8% more in the electricity bill
  • It is important that the air conditioning system is clean, especially the filters. If they don’t filter well, you will consume more electricity. Clean the filters at least once a month
  • Setting a temperature lower than what you want will not make the room cool faster, but it will consume more electricity. Always set the correct temperature
  • When the air conditioner is on, close the doors and windows of the room so that it provides better climate in the room.

Myths And Truths About Air Conditioning Energy Consumption

Do you think air conditioning is the biggest villain on your electricity bill? Do you know that a well-installed, good-sized and correctly used appliance consumes less energy than an electric shower, for example.

And thinking about the various doubts of consumers about the energy consumption of air conditioning, we have decided to unveil the main myths and truths on this subject.


1 – The installation does not interfere with energy consumption

The correct installation indicated by the manufacturer facilitates the operation of the device. An installation carried out in a way other than that recommended by the window air conditioner brand in India interferes with its operation, causing it to work incorrectly, consuming more energy.

2 – Temperature does not interfere with energy consumption

Keeping the air conditioning temperature at minimum (cooling) and at maximum (heating) consumes more energy. Keeping the environment at a temperature between 22ºC and 24ºC avoids unnecessary energy costs and is more suitable for the human body.

3 – The condenser in the closed area does not influence the consumption of the device

The outdoor unit should be in a place where there is air circulation, to avoid the return of the inflated air.

4- To consume less energy, the ideal is to turn off if the environment is left for a short time and turn it on again when you return

Turning it on and off too often leads to higher power consumption. If you leave the room for a short time, up to 20 minutes or half an hour, leave it on to avoid maximum power consumption and turn it off.

If when leaving the room for a short time we turn off the air conditioning, we will be causing consumption peaks at each new start


1 – There is a type of equipment suitable for each type of environment

That’s right. There are suitable devices for every size of environment, intensity and flow of people. For medium and large environments, for example, experts indicate the ceiling floor.

2- Air conditioning is cheaper

It is true. The inverters work like frequency converters, since they control the compression rate of the equipment. The compressor never turns off, avoiding voltage spikes and temperature fluctuations.

3 – The more powerful the device, the more it consumes energy

Using a device with less power than is indicated for the environment, greatly increases your energy consumption. That is why the correct size is very important.

8 – Leaving the window open with the air conditioning on increases energy consumption

In addition to consuming more energy, this carelessness can compromise the operation of the appliance. Ideally, all doors and windows should be kept tightly closed.

9 – Keeping the filters clean avoids unnecessary energy costs

It is true. Dirty filters prevent the free circulation of air, force the device to work harder and consequently consume more energy.

Air conditioning doesn’t have to be the worst villain in pearls of light, just use it properly, keep filters clean, and perform preventative maintenance and contact air conditioner manufacturer in India.

Multiple Advantages Of Having An Air Conditioner In Your Home

We all know the feeling of satisfaction and well-being when air conditioning saves us from those days when high temperatures are practically unbearable.

But what we don’t know is that apart from our comfort, air conditioning has multiple advantages for our health that need to be highlighted.

The air conditioning provides many health benefits, high temperatures can lead to multiple problems for our well-being such as heat stroke, low blood pressure, dizziness, etc.

All this prevents us from enjoying moments in which we need to rest and relax, the heat can become very stressful, altering our routine.

Let’s think that much of the time during the summer people continue working and need time to take energy. Rest is essential, as high temperatures exhaust anyone.

The air conditioning is a technological breakthrough that facilitates and improves the quality of life of people by making it more pleasant and comfortable.

An air conditioning system installed in the home provides great benefits to alleviate our health favouring personal well-being. Air conditioning creates a healthy, clean and fresh environment helping to combat allergies to dust and mites.

There are people who in the summer begin to develop strong allergies that reduce their quality of life, and this occurs both outside the home and at home. The air conditioning clears the environment of these elements that cause sneezing, itchy nose, red eyes, mucus, etc.

ACs made by air conditioner best brands in India improve the health of people with respiratory problems, as well as allergies to pollen or dust.

In addition, they help people who are under stress at work or at home, since as we know the heat affects the mood. It is also beneficial for disabled people or people with reduced mobility who are affected more intensely by heat or cold; as well as boys and girls who are very sensitive to strong changes in temperature, improving their quality of life.

The air conditioning has an effect on our health. When summer arrives we need an ally to alleviate the high temperatures, and in most cases it is the air conditioner.

There are many advantages of air conditioning, but be careful! Because air conditioning can cause health problems if it is not used properly.

The air conditioning is able to cool the atmosphere and decrease the temperature of a room. The way air conditioners work is that they cool and clean the air. In addition, they control the humidity of the room by keeping it at the desired temperature.

Temperaturecontrol. We will not always need to be at the same temperature, it all depends on the moment and the situation. Therefore, thanks to the features introduced by air conditioner manufacturer companies in India in ACs, we can control at what temperature the room should be kept.

Air circulation. Thanks to the air conditioning, the air in our room is little renewed. The renewal of the circulating air improves respiration.

Increase performance. High temperatures cause fatigue. In this way, lowering the temperature of the room or office increases the intellectual and physical capacity of people. Therefore, also performance at work, that’s why, you need to contact air conditioner manufacturers in India.

It prevents environmental humidity. Air conditioning makes the environment drier.

How An Air Conditioner Can Help You Improve Your Health?

Air conditioners are used both for heating in winter. It is also preferred for cooling in summer. The most preferred reason for air conditioners is cooling in summer.

Air conditioners, like all other technological devices, need maintenance. In this way, they never lose their performance. If you always want to use your air conditioners with the same performance; it is necessary to pay attention to the issue of air conditioning cleaning.

Air conditioners work by taking in the air inside. Therefore, dust in the air inside adheres to the filter section of the air conditioner. By cleaning this, it becomes possible to make air conditioners more efficient.

Air conditioners are very useful at the point of use. First of all, seasons have started to show their effects more with global warming. Now the winter months are colder than expected and the summer months are warmer than expected. To prevent this, alternative devices have been produced by window air conditioner brand in India.

Air conditioners come into play to get rid of the heat of summer, for this reason, it is beneficial to use lowest power consumption air conditioner in India in summer.

Temperature triggers many diseases, people who struggle with the disease can never stand the hot weather. The best for them are air conditioners. In this way, getting rid of the negative effects of hot weather is a less power consumption air conditioner.

Excessive moisture harms the human body. According to split air conditioner manufacturers in India, air conditioning also helps in eliminating the effects of this.

Scientific authorities explain that air conditioners have great health benefits. The use of air conditioning is recommended, especially for the elderly, people with heart, blood pressure, diabetes, and asthma disorders, as it provides sufficient comfort.

With various filtering systems in air conditioners, many harmful factors such as dust, pollen, microbes, mold, cigarette smoke, bad odor are separated from the air and healthy living environments are created. In places such as offices and residences we live in, the best way to achieve this is to use air conditioners.

Benefiting from the healthy advantages of air conditioning; it is easily possible to do filter cleaning, periodic seasonal maintenance, and pay attention to the recommended values ​​for temperature and humidity levels in air conditioning. When these are done, the life of the device is also extended.

Benefits of Air Conditioning Maintenance

  • Operating expenses are reduced with the cleaning performed during periodic maintenance.
  • Maintenance costs are reduced due to periodic cleaning and eliminating possible causes of malfunctions.
  • With periodic maintenance, efficiency losses caused by pollution in heat exchangers are prevented, so the heating and cooling loads can be met with shorter runs. This extends the life of the devices.
  • You can benefit from the system uninterruptedly because parts that expire during periodic maintenance are replaced without causing any malfunction.
  • Regular maintenance will extend the life of your system.

Thanks to the installation of air conditioning in the home, each room will renew the air it contains, thus you will breathe cleaner and better air the whole time.

Air Conditioning Equipment For Homes And Businesses Where Energy Saving Represents A Determining Factor

When summer and heat arrive, we want to be cool and comfortable in our homes or in any public place. And for that, we have the air conditioning on practically all day, with the consequent energy expenditure that this entails. Well, today we are going to see what advantages an inverter air conditioning unit has compared to conventional equipment.

Surely you have heard more than once that an inverter machine consumes less energy than a normal machine, although the truth is that most sellers do not really know what the advantages are compared to normal air conditioning.

Well, the main reason is in the component that consumes the most electricity of all the equipment, and this is the motor or compressor.

In a conventional air conditioning machine the compressor is always working at 100% of its capacity, that is:

Let’s imagine that we get home and it is horribly hot, for example, 30º C, and we set our air conditioning to 25º C, because until the temperature drops to 25º the compressor will be operating at maximum performance, that is, at 100% his capacity.

Once the device has managed to lower the temperature to 25º, what happens is that the compressor stops, and the moment the temperature rises again, it will start working again.

Why does an inverter unit save more than a conventional one?

The inverter compressor reaches less decibels than that of a conventional machine, especially when the compressor begins to decrease its performance.

Air conditioners made by air conditioner best brands in India achieve greater stability of the set temperature. This means that if we select a temperature of 22 ºC, for example, the equipment will maintain the ambient temperature much better.

This is because the compressor undergoes fewer stops and starts, regulating its speed and making the temperature more stable.

As you can see, an all or nothing (conventional) air conditioning suffers more stops and starts, which is equivalent to the selected temperature having more variations, however an inverter system by regulating its operating speed achieves a more stable temperature.

The electricity consumption of our homes is today one of the most important points of our day today. As much as the electrical appliances we have at home consume less and less the price of electricity does not stop rising.

There are many people who think that in order for our air conditioner to cool faster and make it cooler, we have to set it to the minimum temperature, but that is a profound mistake!

The air conditioning always sets the same temperature, it does not matter whether you set it to 16º or 30º, what happens is that when the room reaches the temperature we are asking for, the machine stops and stops getting cold.

So do not put your device at full speed because the only thing you will do is use more electricity.

When buying an air conditioning unit, one of the most important points that we have to look at is the electrical consumption, and the best for these cases is the inverter system.

It must also be said that to save on electricity consumption, the ideal is to install an air conditioning unit provided by air conditioner brands in India with the necessary cooling power to meet the needs of your premises.

An air conditioner with an inverter system has several advantages that conventional equipment does not have. Less noise from the outdoor unit, higher compressor performance, and of course lower power consumption.

How To Disinfect Intec Air Conditioner?

Less Power consumption air conditioner needs minimal maintenance, and good cleaning is important among the essential jobs.Why? Because with use and over time, the ducts and filters get dirty and can end up becoming a focus of the proliferation of fungi and bacteria.

Can you imagine what can happen if you start up devices that have accumulated germs, dust or particles? Yes, you can inadvertently spread them around your house. And this poses a risk for children, the elderly or people with respiratory problems.

Do you want to know how to clean your air conditioners? It is very simple. Let’s do it!

The first thing, the filters

Keeping them clean is important because you will not only avoid these accumulating pathogens, but also bad smells and, in addition, the device will work much better and consume less.

If it is best split air conditioner brand in India, the first thing you have to do is remove these filters and rinse them a little with lukewarm water, rubbing carefully to remove the most resistant dirt. You can brush them if you see that it does not work well, but use a soft cloth or brush, remember that the filters are delicate and you can break them with some ease.

You can use neutral soap to disinfect Intec air conditioner, but it is much better to use specific products or a disinfectant that does not have components that can be abrasive. You must spray the entire filter well and let the product work for a few minutes.

air conditionerThen you just have to rinse very well with warm water and allow to dry perfectly before putting the filters back in place.

How often should you clean the filters? The minimum is to do it twice a year: before and after the season of use begins.

What else should you clean?

Cleaning the filters is essential, but lowest power consumption air conditioner in India has more elements. The outdoor unit is also important, to clean it from the outside you can vacuum it and wipe it with a cloth dampened in a soapy solution. Then, you should remove the fan protection cover and carefully clean the blades.

Dirty indoor unit

A dirty indoor unit, be it filters, a fan, an exchanger or the condensate tray itself, produces a bad smell. Because, apart from the accumulation of dirt and moisture that end up creating a kind of mud with a “slime” included, they accumulate and proliferate fungi and bacteria that are largely responsible for these bad odors. The way to avoid this is very simple, keep your air conditioning equipment as clean and dry as possible to prevent these fungi and microbes from proliferation.

Dirty drain pan: How can you eliminate accumulated water?

To eliminate the accumulated water,one must “dry” the machine, some modern units already have built-in self-cleaning functions that greatly reduce these problems, others, top air conditioner brands in India have plasma filters that eliminate 99% of viruses and bacteria. But most of us mortals do not have plasma filters or machines, so to avoid mushrooms or burrows in the deviceone should follow the mentioned instructions:

  1. Put the unit in ventilation mode for several hours to dry the machine in the most effective way possible. This will eliminate most of the water that can accumulate in it and will prevent fungi from having an end of year party in the air conditioning.
  2. One can be a little more radical if he is in a hurry or see that the party has started without his consent and instead of turning on the unit in ventilation, do it in heat or heat pump mode, with which the drying of the equipment will be umpteenth power.

This is advisable to do it whenever the cold season ends, since it will help a lot so that these odors do not occur next year.

How And Where To Buy Home Appliances Online?

If you intend to buy appliances, you can consult the web shops, which allow you to purchase hundreds of products online at favorable prices.

Where to buy online

It matters little if you are looking for a simple automatic grater or if you want to make a more demanding purchase, such as a washing machine: there are hundreds of websites with online shops. Buying online is comparable to buying in store: you browse through the various categories, you see all the products that interest, you make a short comparison and choose the one you like best.

Another advice to save on the purchase of the Intec home appliance is, on the one hand, sell your old appliances. With the money, you get you can finance part of the payment of the new equipment. And on the other side, it is advisable to find out if any aid campaign is valid for the renovation of household appliances. Some public administrations support with discounts for the acquisition of more energy efficient equipment.

Finally, another good advice to save is to carry out proper maintenance and proper use of the appliances that we have acquired. This means knowing the performance of the equipment and making it work correctly, but also being aware if any part or component of the equipment has to be changed. In the case of washing machines and dishwashers, we must be mindful of the accumulation of lime caused by the excess of calcium in the water, since many times we cannot imagine how household appliances will spoil the lime in the water.

This helps us to prevent breakdowns that are expensive to repair and that reduce the useful life of the appliance, and one way to avoid these problems is to know what type of water we have and installing a water softener in the home to eliminate that excess lime.

How to make a purchase?

To make a purchase, just a few simple clicks are enough. Once you have identified the product, you intend to purchase, insert it into the virtual shopping cart. Generally, all the home appliances brands in India that offer online sales of home appliances give the possibility to check the availability of the product in stock directly from the product sheet. If you want to continue shopping, you can quickly browse in all other categories. Otherwise, you have to go to the cashier, which is at the top right. By clicking on the box, you will see all the products you have entered. To confirm the purchase, proceed with entering the data for the delivery.

Be sure to enter one or more phone numbers, so that the courier will be able to track you down. After the data entry for the delivery is continued, and you get to the page dedicated to payments. All e-commerce sites accept payment by credit card, but in some shops, it is also allowed to choose other types of payment, such as online or cash on delivery service. After selecting the payment, you will only have to wait for a confirmation e-mail, and especially the arrival of the product. Orders are typically processed within two working days, and the product ready for delivery will arrive at home within a few days.

Operation Of Household Appliances

Household appliances – a collective name, which includes a large number of devices that make the life of modern people much more comfortable, convenient and functional. The list of household appliances can consist of large and small tools used in the kitchen, cleaning and other areas of life.

Buying large items of household appliances requires considerable expenditure, so each buyer hopes for a long service life of the device and its high-quality work. Unfortunately, many forget that prolonging the life of technology can be simple, but beneficial actions: conservative attitude and proper use.

It is for this purpose that lowest power consumption air conditioner in India provide rules for the operation of household appliances. Each type of device is characterized by its scope of application, performed functions and features of care, so to give a general recommendation on the rules for the operation of household appliances is quite tricky. In general, several aspects directly affect the quality of work and the service life of equipment:

  • Correct installation;
  • Care;
  • Regular service.


Whichever home appliances are bought, it must be accurately delivered and installed. At installation and adjustment, it is better to resort to the help of the expert as he possesses sufficient knowledge and experience in this area. General recommendations can be:

  • Installation on a flat surface;
  • Sufficient distance from other devices;
  • Checking the temperature of the room;
  • Loose fit to the wall.


As for the support of Intec home appliances, everything here Continue reading