Perhaps the main question that arises when buying Intec home appliancesis to order it on the Internet or go to a regular store and select it. Despite the fact that almost all electronics has a fairly standard design, you often want to see a future purchase with your own eyes, and not in the picture. The ability to touch, turn in the hands of a coffee maker or juicer is the main advantage of offline stores.
However, offline has its drawbacks, the main of which is the difficulty of comparing prices and characteristics of several models at the same time. This drawback of traditional stores turns into the dignity of online retailers. Almost all sites have the opportunity to choose several models for comparison – the program itself will indicate what the pros and cons of a particular product are: power, dimensions, and price.
What you need to know about the seller
Before you buy household appliances in the selected store, you need to collect as much information about it as possible.
Brand- The more history a company has, the more confidence it inspires from customers. If the company was registered only a couple of months ago, and at the same time it offers the lowest prices, then you should be wary and choose another seller.
Reviews- Try to collect various reviews – online among friends. There are special sites, where users share their opinions on goods and services. Also, reviews should be posted on the website of the store itself. But do not forget that often both positive and negative reviews can be specially ordered. You can try to look for opinions about the company on social networks.
Ratings- See how those who have already made purchases in the store evaluate the work of the store.
Information about the seller- The retailer should provide you with the maximum information: details, contact details. The more information, the better. If such information does not exist at all, beware of making purchases from this seller.
Availability of goods- If the store does not have a large quantity of goods declared, then this raises doubts about the quality of its work.
After-sales service- Of course, you can safely purchase goods, only making sure that you are insured against industrial defects and the seller gives you a guarantee on the goods. Also, a bonus will be the provision of after-sales service at special prices.
Payment and delivery methods- The responsible seller provides customers with the opportunity to make a purchase in the most convenient way: card, cash, by instalments, on credit. Also, various delivery methods is a plus for home appliances brands in India.
To summarize
So, where is it still cheaper to buy household appliances? Unfortunately, there is no universal answer. If you do not need a purchase urgently, and you are also ready to accept the risks associated with the inability to return the goods under warranty, you can consider buying in foreign stores – both online and offline. Be that as it may, the prices there are indeed often lower than in our country.
If you do not want to wait for delivery from abroad, and even more so to spend your efforts on a trip to other countries, then pay attention to the promotional offers of various large Belarusian stores.