Water Flows From The Air Conditioner – Causes

Water must flow from the air conditioner, but only where necessary and when needed. It is a matter of removing the condensate formed on the heat exchanger. This process is natural and is conditioned by the technology of the device itself. The moisture accumulates in the pan and is discharged through the drainage tubes. But if it flows not from the drainage, but from the indoor unit to the floor in the room – the Intec air conditioner needs help!

Causes of leakage

The very first reason is the wrong installation of the device after purchase. For example, you cannot mount the air conditioner over a table with the equipment installed on it, continually heating. Also, the correct slope of the drainage pipe is significant. If it does not have a bias or even “looks” upward, it is clear that moisture will drain into the block. Leakage is unavoidable if the drainage end is lowered into a container with water, and in devices without a siphon – simply stuck in the sewer pipe.

  • In the models of air conditioners equipped with a drain pump, the most common cause of leaks is the pump failure. Owners of cassette and channel systems equipped with pumps, it is necessary to prevent their breakdowns.
  • In the hot summer climate technology often works non-stop day and night. In this regard, often the pallet is overfilled, moisture does not have time to be drained, a leak is formed.
  • The drainage tube is not an eternal element. It can rot, rupture due to mechanical influences, and, of course, leak.
  • Cold is a test for your air conditioner “for durability.” During daytime thaws and night frosts, the heat exchanger can be covered with a layer of ice, which, when melted, will drain into the block. And already from the block, he will leak into the room.
  • The motion of the working fluid in the air conditioning system must pass without “stumbling,” that is, the circuit must be sealed. If its depressurization takes place, for example, due to the weakening of the nozzles or the initial weak fixing of them, the leakage of the working fluid is unavoidable.
  • Winter can not only be cooled by a heat exchanger, but also by a drain hose. This is the case if you wanted to turn the cooling mode into frost, and your air conditioner is not equipped with a “winter kit.” In the drainage pipe from the condensate appears a cork of ice, which, melting, will flow into the room.
  • Often the cause of leaks is an overabundance of refrigerant in the system. This is a direct consequence of improper (or too frequent) refueling. Under the influence of internal pressure, the working fluid leaks, which, incidentally, is fraught with damage to the air conditioner, and not just a “puddle on the floor.”

Clogging in the drainage due to fluff, dust, etc. will necessarily lead to leaks. Moisture has nowhere to go, except how to flow to you on the floor of the block. Such trouble can be eliminated on its own – gently blowing the tube or cleaning the drain holes.

If you do not have the expertise and knowledge to eliminate leakage on your own, always invite a specialist of best split air conditioner brands in India. Only in this way will you prevent breakdowns due to careless or incompetent action. Do not forget that any air conditioner is a very complicated arrangement.

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