How Far Do You Have To Put Your TV From The Sofa?

Diwali is coming, and many take the opportunity to renovate the TV in the dining room, but what kind of television and what is the right size for our living room? Previously, in the blog, we talked about how to choose the right size of the TV for your home and today we focus on the distance you have to put your TV on the sofa to enjoy the best image quality!

The importance of distance

Surely more than once you have heard that it is not convenient to get too close to the TV because it is not only bad for the eyes but causes us not to appreciate as we should the quality of the image.

For this reason, best LED TV brands in India review the factors that affect the image quality and explain, based on them, where to place the television in your home.

What factors to take into account to locate the television?

There are several factors that you must take into account to place the television in your home. Among them is the angle of vision, the threshold of standard pixelation, the resolution of the image, the size of the TV and the size of the place where we want to place the TV.

The standard pixelation threshold

When we have television very close to the sofa, you can see pixelation problems in the image. How to solve the pixilation effect? Very easy! Increasing the distance, you will obtain a better quality of image since the density of the pixels will increase, obtaining smoother images with all the luxury of details offered by high definition digital technology.

If what you are looking for are the best image quality and the best technology, we recommend you to discover the 4K Ultra HD TVs. That you already have available in a wide range of sizes that adapt to you.

What is the optimum distance to obtain the best image quality?

The visual acuity of each viewer will determine the optimal distance for him/her. However, as standard you can set a standard pixelization threshold of 1.5 times the diagonal distance of your television, that is, for every ten inches that our TV has, we will have to be separated half a meter from the screen.

Also, the ideal is to add a little more distance, to ensure the comfort of our view and take advantage of pixel density and resolution. But do not go far! Since then you will begin to lose specific details to the image, subtracting quality and definition from the image.

The resolution of the image

The best thing to visualize images with the highest quality is to imagine compatible images with the resolution that the television provides us. In the case of visualizing material with a maximum resolution, it will allow you to place yourself much closer to the screen to enjoy more detail and angle of vision.

Dimensions of space

Another factor, no less important that influences the image quality is the size of the place where we want to place the screen.

Full HD or 4K TVs have reduced viewing distances. Leaving aside the problems of space. What do the best LED TV manufacturer in India say? And the maximum distance is five times the width of the screen.

According to the inches- a minimum distance: for example, for a 50-inch TV, the minimum distance would be 2.25 meters from the ideal viewing position.

Tips For Properly Setting Up Your Tv

To begin with, that there is a “right adjustment.” If you were at the electronics store at least once, you probably noticed that all the TVs on display show differently. What is the reason for this? Which one is better? Let’s figure it out.

We think you will agree that the TV should not just show a picture, but also make as little distortion as possible to the original content. The content itself is always created with an eye on the standards and LED TV manufacturing companies in India’s recommendations, and the primary goal of any TV is to convey to you precisely the image that you wanted to show. Everything is essential here: both the skin tone of the actor, and the color of the sky at sunset, and what details of the image should be visible and which are hidden. There are international standards that describe what should be the image on the screen of your TV.

Unfortunately, modern TV manufacturers set up their products frankly wrong, because they are not interested in seeing their displays meet the existing color standards, but in increasing sales of these same displays. To sell more TVs, manufacturers are always trying to present more “bright blue” and “live red” colors than their competitors.

They specifically enhance the brightness of some colors, so that the products look more seductive on store shelves than those of other firms. On the shelves with externally identical products, the buyer will choose the brightest TV or the one whose colors seem “deeper.” If manufacturers paid enough attention to the correct tuning of their products, then all the TVs displayed on the counter would show a very similar image.

The only sure way to get the right image on the TV screen is hardware calibration. It consists in the fact that standard models are fed to the TV’s input, and measurements are taken from the screen. Next, the TV settings are adjusted until the image parameters are as close to those required by the standard. But this setting is rather laborious, requires knowledge, and, first of all, equipment.

Which image mode to choose (standard/ dynamic/movie)?

On the vast majority of TVs, the correct mode is the Movie / Cinema mode. Do not use the “Dynamic” method for viewing: because of the non-linear gamma, the image in it is always wrong, and because of the greatly over-emphasized brightness, this mode strains the eyes, especially if you watch TV in dim lighting or darkness.

What color temperature mode should I choose (cold/ standard/warm)?

On the vast majority of TVs, the warmest mode is the closest to the standard color temperature (6500K). If you have a Warm1 / Warm2 option, determine which one is the best. Usually, it’s Warm 2, but there can be exceptions.

What settings are recommended to be turned off for the best picture?

It is necessary to disable all settings that adjust the brightness/contrast to the discretion of the TV. That is, it is required to disable “dynamic contrast,” “energy saving mode,” “light sensor,” “dynamic illumination” and do not use “Dynamic” image mode.

How to set the “contrast” parameter correctly?

This parameter is incorrectly called “contrast,” since the contrast is the ratio of the maximum brightness of the white field (white level) to the black level (the minimum luminance level of the panel). So, the “contrast” parameter in the ultra-high definition LED TV menu changes the level of white, that is, the level of the maximum brightness of the image.

Height Of TV Set

The height of the TV set may cause some difficulties. Often the views of family members diverge, or the host is lost among the 2 – 3 options. In general, there are no strict rules and recommendations on this account. Some useful recommendations are compiled by technical features of products and medical research. It does not matter how many TVs there are in the house. The more important question is, in which rooms they are to be installed: in the living room, kitchen, and bedroom. Based on the destination of the premises, you can calculate at what height to hang the TV.

Living room

The hosts in the living room take relatives, friends, celebrate different family holidays. In short, people spend a lot of time there. The TV is seen in the living room from different rooms: at the dining table, from the couch, from the chairs or from behind the desk. Consider the height at which the TV should be hung in the living room. Conditionally, the optimal option – when the midpoint of the TV is located at a distance of 70 – 175 cm from the floor. Often it is placed at an altitude of 1.2 to 1.4 m.

Define the indicators for the living room, which should be taken into account first, when determining at what distance from the floor to hang a high definition LED TV:

The average height for all members of the family.


From what point the TV is most often viewed: from the table or the sofa.

If in most cases you plan to watch TV sitting on the couch, then the altitude should be less, and because of the table – higher. The most optimal height can be determined by experience: you need to sit on the couch and look at the wall. You should be comfortable and comfortable. Doctors recommend the following tips on how high the TV is hung up:

You cannot have your head tilt back or forward. This can provoke unnecessary strain on the cervical parts.

From the eyes to the screen, the distance should correspond proportionally to the diagonal of the monitor. The following standard is set: 1: 2 (3), which means that if the screen has a size of 100 cm, then the distance should be 200 – 300 cm for LCD panels, and for regular TV more by 25%.

Installing the panel in the nursery or bedroom

In the bedroom, the height of the LED TV android is determined by the parameters and placement of furniture. An ideal option for learning what height to hang TV in the bedroom is the location of the TV perpendicular to the bed on the wall. It turns out that it will be convenient to watch the film half-sitting or to lie down. Parallel installation is not allowed.

It is necessary to arrange the center of the screen when sitting opposite to the eyes. You should take into account the nuance that the monitor should be tilted about 30⁰. The distinctive feature of LCD monitors is the fact that when you look at the image at an angle, the contrast begins to lose. The image itself is darker than the sight has an adverse effect. By tilting the panel, you can provide a direct view from the “semi-sitting” or “lying” position.

For maximum comfort, you should choose adjustable brackets. They allow you to get the desired slope of the panel. If you plan a small permutation, then you can easily adjust the direction of the screen.

Android TV: What Is It, How Does It Work, What Are The Benefits?

“Smart” technologies confidently enter into our daily life. Today, operating systems have many devices that we use every day. These are computers, laptops, phones, tablets, e-books, game consoles and even TVs. And if literally a couple of years ago the phrase “give a voice command to the TV” caused only a smile, now the TV with support for voice search and recognition of gestures, functions of watching videos on YouTube, access to applications and games is a common occurrence.

Android TV is one of the pillars of the modern gadget market. About what it is, what it is used for, what opportunities it has and android LED TV price in India – read in our article.

 Android TV Features

Green robot – the Android logo – a sign for almost everyone. The first official version of this operating system was released in 2008 and quickly gained popularity among both developers and ordinary users. Today Android is the most famous mobile operating system in the world, used dozens of electronic devices.

In 2014, together with the fifth modification of Android – Lollipop – the Android platform came out. The creators emphasized that this is not an adaptation of the mobile version, but a completely independent platform that takes into account the features of TVs (for example, a large screen without touch controls).

Android TV Features

TV HD on android

Android TV allows you to turn your TV channel into a real multimedia center: you can search information on the Internet, play, communicate via Skype, launch applications, download and watch movies from the global film library, listen to music, etc.

History of Android TV

To put it, the Android TV is a TV that runs on Android, the reference operating system developed by Google. Android TV is a connected TV system that was launched in June 2014. That month, Google announced the design of a device to replace the Google TV was selling rather severely. The goal of the computer giant is to create a simple tool that provides access to multimedia content that is usually found on his tablet or Android Smartphone.

The operation of the Android TV

Android TV works with connected TVs. When you buy android TV in India, acquire an accessory device (the box) that you connect to the TV to access multimedia content. Also, some manufacturers design from the start connected TVs with an Android system and multimedia content on demand from the Play Store.

Finally, the Android TV can also use or view the content of your smartphone on your screen. For this, TV should incorporate a Google Chrome Cast feature. Chrome Cast keys are accessible and less expensive, and some are sold in addition to an Android TV. When the Cast function is integrated into the TV, the purchase of a key is no longer justified.

The navigation system on Android TV?

To navigate Android TV, forget the touch function. Depending on the manufacturer, the navigation mode varies dramatically. For your convenience, many designers choose the simplest model: the remote control. It does not only turn on the screen but also navigate between menus, select the program or application of his choice and launch them. Google also proposes to use its dedicated controller, the Nexus Player, to access and navigate through its Android system.

On some Android TVs, you can use a connected watch by also downloading the Google TV Remote app. The connected watch is, therefore, e Smartphone-remote control.

What Hides The Phrase 4k Resolution?

4K (resolution) is a concept that emerged in the era of digital cinema. In cinematography, the resolution of the screen is measured along the length of the frame, horizontally, and not vertically, as in television. Since in digital cinema there are different standards of the aspect ratio of the screen, it is more convenient to focus on the horizontal resolution, which remains constant, in contrast to the height of the frame. But the technology is increasing, and now video of this quality can be broadcast continuously.

Resolution 4K corresponds to 4000 pixels horizontally. To understand what ultra-high definition video is, it is enough to imagine a 15-meter screen, the picture on which remains as clear as on an ordinary TV screen. TVs and computer monitor 4K by the standards of the Association of Consumer Electronics should have a resolution of not less than 8,000,000 pixels. A frame of high definition television, HD (High-Definition), consists of 2,000,000 pixels. The traditional television standard is 400,000 pixels.

Digital cinema projectors in most cinemas only support 2K resolution. To see what kind of picture quality the 4K film projector has, you’ll have to look for a movie theater where there is a projector with this resolution. Such cinemas are called IMAX, Image Maximum, in translation – “maximum image.” An ordinary visitor of the cinema rarely thinks that the concept of IMAX means, does this abbreviation mean that the viewer will see the maximum quality on the screen. To answer this question, let’s try to understand how the format and resolution of the screen are related.

Screens of TVs and computer monitors of ultra-high definition according to the standards of the Association of Consumer Electronics are produced by LED TV manufacturers in India with a resolution of at least 3840 pixels horizontally and 2160 vertically. This allows you to use screens of larger sizes than for HD-video. If HD-video has a resolution of 1920×1080 or 1280×720, then the resolution of 4K implies that the screen will have four times more pixels. But the difference between HD and Ultra HD can be seen with the naked eye only on large screens or by approaching the display close.

By the same standards, the aspect ratio of TVs, monitors and projectors UHD should be 16: 9. This is the standard format of Russian and European television. Full-frame 4K has an aspect ratio of 4: 3 (1.33: 1), academic – 1.37: 1. Academic, it is also “classical,” the format corresponds to 35 mm film. Throughout the 20th century, it was the most common format along with 4: 3 (1.33: 1). The 4: 3 format is still used in both digital movie camera and film format cameras. It’s easy to calculate that the 4: 3 screen area will be larger than the 16: 9 screen with the same diagonal because the 4: 3 screen is bigger in the vertical direction.


The answer to the question whether 4K (permission) is necessary to the user depends on what technique and android LED TV price in India he is going to buy and what for – a TV for watching movies and transmissions or a monitor for new computer games.

Is It Time To Change Your Screen? We Help You!

An essential part of the home is television, since enjoying good programming together, unites us as a family, generating an environment of pleasant conviviality that often ends up in conversations on the table.

Keep in mind that it is a device that can last for many years, so selecting well is the option to acquire a screen that will have a long lifetime.

Start the search for the new screen

Before going to a store or buying online, meet with your family and make a list of the models of filters that have caught their attention, expose their points about size, functionality, extra benefits and even the price. You must also be clear, in what room or room of the house you will place your new screen, because this will depend on its size, and if necessary, the option of adding to your purchase some support or entertainment center as a compliment.

Buy smart LED TV in Delhi?

Smart TVs have software that will allow you to use applications such as smartphones. The most common apps for this type of TV are NETFLIX, Spotify, and YouTube but you can also communicate with Facebook or Skype. Independent of these applications, some smart televisions also have an Internet browser. If you decide to buy a standard screen and it has HDMI input, you can turn it into smart TV, all you have to do is integrate an additional device, such as an Apple TV, which will provide high definition, tune to channels via streaming and play movies online.

The size and type of screen

Full HD or Ultra HD are other common terms when talking about televisions, these characteristics are related to the screen, and it is the highest definition of the image. The resolution Continue reading

Discover 5 Myths And Truths About Smart 4k Tvs

The human capacity to see the resolution and price of the devices are some mysteries unraveled

Smart TVs 4K has finally become a viable option for Indian consumers, who find a wide variety of models on the market. The best LED TV manufacturer in India such as Intec are present in the domestic market with devices of different sizes and specifications.

  1. Is every 4K the same?

Myth. When reading “4K”, we think that best LED TV manufacturer in India are always talking about the same characteristic, but not quite. The Consumer Electronics Association (CEA) has released the term Ultra High Definition (UHD) in 2012 to describe devices with at least 3840 x 2160 pixels. The idea was to replace the name “4K”, standard developed for the cinema screens and with a resolution of 4096 x 2160 pixels. However, the fact is that the organization has no regulatory power. Thus, a manufacturer can sell 4K smart TVs with 4096 x 2160 pixels, while another sells 3840 x 2160 pixels, also 4K devices.

  1. Are curved TVs better?

Myth. Manufacturers often advertise smart curved TVs as being better at increasing the feeling of immersion, covering the higher field of view of the viewer. It is right on a desktop monitor, but not for smart TVs. There are two crucial differences between these two panels: the size and number of viewers. On the computer, the immersion result is useful because only one person is facing the screen. But the TVs are designed to be seen by more than one person, which changes all the dynamics. In this scenario, whoever is at the end of the sofa will see a distorted image, besides not enjoying immersiveness.

  1. Does the human eye not distinguish 4K?

Partly true. The human eye has a fixed ability to capture the resolution. That means that for more pixels that appear on the screen, there is a limit from which it will not make a difference to our view. On average, an individual can distinguish separate objects in a range of 0.1 mm at a distance of 25 cm. Despite this, you probably will not sit less than 25 cm from a 4K TV. If you do, then the difference between Full HD and UHD is visible.

  1. 4. Is there little content available?

Truth. Indeed, there is much more content available today than when the standard was released. The Play Globe displays part of its programming in 4K HDR on smart TVs since 2016. The Netflix also offers movies and series in Ultra HD, as well as other streaming video platforms.

  1. Is OLED Panel Better Than LCD?

Truth. OLED technology brings an improvement over LEDs. The lighting system is pixel-by-pixel, unlike what happens on the LCD and LED screens, where a single back panel illuminates everything. The result is greater control over brightness and contrast, as well as more accurate color emission and darker dark tones.

The technology does not interfere in anything with the number of pixels: a 4K OLED display has the same 3840 x 2160 pixels as a 4K LCD or LED. The gain in image quality lies in the improvement of color and contrast, something that critics of “how much better resolution” are always pointing to more critical specifications.

Upscaling: The Key To Making The Most Of Your Full HD Or 4K TV

If you purchased a 4K or Full HD TV recently, you might have noticed that the quality of the playback depends not on your screen, but on the source. This can translate into an unsatisfactory experience when watching old, low quality or non HD videos. But you should not worry about this problem: today there is a new technology that allows you to upload the resolution of the multimedia content you want and, in this way, enjoy it on your TV without limitations: I speak of Full HD Upscaling. Let’s see what it is and what you need to know to start using it today:

What is Upscaling?

Upscaling converts to high definition the low-resolution multimedia content you could find in streaming services or, even, in your library. This technology has been functioning for a while now: what happens when your DVD player raises the resolution of the material to adapt it to your 4k or Full HD TV is, precisely, Upscaling. However, the most recent Blu-Ray players of best LED TV brands in Delhi have taken Upscaling to another level.

Not only do they increase the resolution of the videos, but they use all the pixels of your TV to provide a sharper and better quality image as if the source itself were 4K. To achieve this, the Upscaling uses an interpolation algorithm that tells the empty pixels how they should behave, based on the pixels they have around, something that significantly improves the quality of the screen.

How to take advantage of Upscaling on a 4K or Full HD TV:

First of all, you should know that because of its higher pixel density, a 4K TV offers four times more resolution than a Full HD of the same number of inches. Bearing this in mind, it can be deduced that it will be more difficult for an image to look good on a 4K TV if the source does not do an Upscaling Full HD job. The scaling can be handled in the same way by a Blu-Ray player as by a 4K TV. Of course, there is no point in purchasing a 4K TV if you only watch content on DVD, just as you do not have to buy a Blu-Ray player if you do not have a TV with the proper pixel density. If you use a combination of both devices, you can get surprising results regarding image quality.

Aspects to take into account:

So far, it sounds like Full HD Upscaling allows you to get a 4K quality from a source with a maximum 1080p, but that’s not what happens. Upscaling cannot add details that are not present in the source. Also, as with all types of technology, its operation is not perfect. There are still some problems with scaling, such as distortion of moving images, elongation of frames and fog in the most challenging pixels to fill.

With this, I do not mean that buying a 4k TV right now is a waste of money. All films are produced in 4K quality, and it is logical to think that now that this technology has reached homes, the Blu-Ray releases in native 4K by best LED TV manufacturers in India are becoming more frequent. Upscaling is an excellent addition to your home entertainment set.

LED Is Dead, It’s Time For Smart Tvs

Year after year, best LED TV brand in India have incorporated technological advances into their panels. Since they are flat, we have evolved from HD ready to Full HD and now 4K. From tube lighting to side LED or LED with local dimming. From plasma panels, LCDs, and OLEDs, or the failed 3D, or the stylishly curved panels. Now it is the turn of the HDR (High Dynamic Range).

It is a treatment of the image from the world of photography capable of improving the details and textures in the brightest and darkest areas of the scene, showing nuances where it was not possible before, and that generates a much more impressive image thanks to digital technology. This requires a fast and powerful processor and a panel with high brightness and high level of contrast control. It may not be appreciated on a newscast, but in a movie the results are apparent.

This new technology is just the icing on the set of features already offered by the new screens, known as smartTV. Paradoxically the same smart televisions that go hand in hand to promote the HDR have in their interior very different brains. Unfortunately, apps are not compatible with each device, just like mobile phones, so knowing the offer of apps in each system is another critical point before deciding on one Continue reading

Buying A TV In The 2018 Era

Buying a new television is a free experience. Prices vary significantly between TVs of the same size. Manufacturers and sellers resort to additional features, high-sounding names of technology and hyperbolic claims about image quality to make you spend more. And as it is normal, the Internet is a swamp of figures and conflicting opinions, not to mention the unintelligible jargon.

This guide aims to be an oasis in the midst of the vast desert of accurate information about televisions. I strive to provide you with practical and easy to understand information will help you choose your new TV. But the guide cannot answer all your questions, and when you read it, you will see that I do not offer you “the perfect TV for you” at the end. What I do hope is to give you the necessary tools you need to be able to buy android TV in India with confidence.

Four rules to buy a television

  1. Wait until the holiday season to get the best prices

Black Friday is known for the crazy offers of TVS of unknown brands, but the truth is that almost all stations have a discount of Black Friday. Prices remain low throughout the holiday season and until the New Year.

Front-line televisions can have a discount of 20 percent to 40 percent during the spring. Cheaper TVs also receive a discount.

  1. Ignore (most) of the specifications

As a rule, the main purpose of a television’s list of Continue reading