Before putting any equipment into operation, read the instruction manual well to give it proper use from the beginning, and prolong its useful time.
A damaged appliance that is still operating in a certain way is a risk. Are there children in your home? A loose cable could expose a child to an electrical short or other hazards, so the matter requires your full attention
To avoid this, we leave you these tips to extend the life of your appliances.
Each device has specific care and different maintenance guidelines, but there are some general tricks that can help you prolong the life of your Intec home appliances. Follow these tips!
Read the instruction manual
Are you one of those who never know where the device instructions are? If so, be sure that you run the risk of misusing it. Reading and scrupulously following the manufacturer’s instructions will prevent you from malfunctioning your appliances. In addition, many faults can be solved with a quick read of the manual. Do not forget: the instructions, always at hand.
Regularly clean the appliance
Cleaning, exterior, and interior, of any appliance will prolong its life. Try not to accumulate grease, soap, or dust in compartments and buttons of appliances.
Respect the rest of your appliances
It may seem like a joke, but it is a very serious matter: do not squeeze the performance of the appliances. Keeping a washing machine or kitchen robot in full gear for several hours can overheat its motors and cause malfunctions. If the appliance is hot, wait for it to cool before using it again.
Do not neglect maintenance
Many appliance failures occur due to a lack of maintenance. Lime is largely to blame in the breakage of washing machines and dishwashers. You can avoid it with periodic cleaning products. In the same way, you should regularly clean the air conditioner or dryer filters.
Go to the technical service
Do not try to be an expert in something so delicate. Manipulating without knowledge can make the breakdown worse. Before inquiring into the bowels of any device, go-to specialists in appliance repair. In addition, it is the only way to make sure you leave your device in good hands.
Maintenance is vital
Appliances are often damaged by a lack of cleaning. It is important that you advise on the appropriate times to do the maintenance and if you cannot do it, that you hire an expert to help you.
Keep them away from moisture.
According to home appliances brands in India, whenever you use any appliance, you should have your hands dry to ensure the perfect condition of the equipment and avoid an electrical accident. In addition, all electrical appliances must be installed away from wet areas.
Check the cables and plugs
The cables of all electrical equipment must be in perfect condition. Never use any appliance with bare wires or damaged plugs. If you want to disconnect the radio, television, or any other device, do not pull the cables. On the other hand, do not overload the plugs with many appliances so as not to produce short and burn them.
Go to the experts
If any of your appliances have failures, the ideal is to be checked by an expert. It is customary for someone in the house to want to repair the equipment, but it may end up damaging them. Take them to experts to guide you and give you a guarantee of the arrangements.