What are the benefits of air conditioning?
Long regarded as a luxury and reserved for a wealthy class of society, air conditioning today appears much more a necessity than anything else. Its benefits are numerous whether at home, in the office or public places. The strong point of air conditioning is that it has a positive impact on health. Also, air conditioning has many benefits including refreshing the habitat, maintaining and regulating optimal room temperature.
Air conditioning to cool the premises
Refreshing is the most common function of the air conditioner. For decades, air conditioning has been used to reduce the temperature of homes during summer heat spikes. This function allowed to work and live in optimal conditions despite the temperature rise in summer. The purpose of reducing the temperature by the air conditioner is made possible using a heat exchanger mechanism.
The air conditioner draws heat from the inside of the room and then drives it outside the house. Thus, the occupants of a house, the employees in a company or a shop find the comfort of work in spite of the ambient heat. The efficiency of the workers is then increased.
Air conditioning to optimize the temperature
The air conditioning permits you to choose the temperature of a room at will. However, best air conditioner brands in India recommend a temperature difference of 5 ° C to 8 ° C between the inside of the house and the outside. For example, for an outside temperature of 35 ° C, the indoor temperature should not be below twenty-seven degrees Celsius. Indeed, a too large difference in temperature may cause a thermal shock when passing from the inside to the outside and vice versa.
Technological advances have favored the development of reversible air conditioning. This type of air conditioning makes it possible to maintain the ideal temperature both in summer and in winter. As a result, it contributes to significant energy savings. Most air conditioners manufactured in recent years have this feature of reversibility. More and more parents are installing a reversible air conditioner in the new room.
Air conditioning to regulate humidity
Sweating is a normal reaction of the human body to control the body’s internal temperature in case of high heat. Evaporation of the drops of perspiration on the skin refreshes the body. However, this process is slowed down in an environment where the degree of ambient humidity is too high. By reducing the humidity level of the air, the air conditioning makes it possible to mitigate this problem.
Other functions of the air conditioner
In addition to the tasks related to the control of temperature and humidity, air conditioners also have separate utilities. Thus, air conditioners have several beneficial effects on humans. For example, air conditioner brands in India guarantee better air quality thanks to their filtration systems that eliminate exhaust fumes, cigarette fumes, and dust. Air conditioners have several types of filtration systems such as ionizers, electrostatic filters, and activated carbon filters.