How To Solve Water Leaks In Your Window Type Air Conditioner?

Buying a window type air conditioner is an excellent choice when you need to cool a room in particular. However, with the passing of years and reduced maintenance, this unit usually presents problems, such as water leakage, causing the wall, window, and floor of your home to get wet.

Next, window air conditioner brands in India like Intec will present you with some solutions for this problem and other reasons that cause leaks in your window type air conditioner.

How can I solve that?

  1. Disconnect the window type air conditioner.
  2. Dry the water that is inside the unit, in the window and on the floor of the room.
  3. Check and make sure the unit is appropriately sealed to the window.
  4. If you feel hot air coming in, you need to seal the group correctly as indicated in the owner’s manual.
  5. Make sure that the drain holes located on the back of the group are not blocked.
  6. Clean them to allow water to drain without problems.
  7. Get rid of the accumulated dirt in the filter, as it will cause it to lock if you do not receive proper maintenance.

After you have finished all these steps and have kept the window type air conditioner off, turn it on once more to see if the water appears again.

If you notice that the water leak continues and begins to wet the floor of the room, check again to have it adequately sealed to the window.

Why else do water leaks occur?

  1. – Air Leaks

If your window type air conditioner is not sealed correctly, hot air from outside enters the unit. When this happens, the moisture found in the hot air condenses thanks to the cold air inside the unit. When there is a surplus of humidity inside the appliance, it starts to drip.

  1. – Drainage is blocked

Behind the window air conditioner, there are drainage holes (drip trays). Sometimes, these can be prevented by the accumulation of dirt and dust. When this type of blockage happens, it usually causes water leaks in the front of the unit, as well as on the sides.

Avoid this type of problems by keeping the drainage holes clean and removing dirt accumulated in the filters or replacing them to prevent any blockage that causes a water leak. It should be considered that there is a relationship between your allergies and your window type air conditioning, so cleaning it is extremely important if you suffer from respiratory problems.

  1. – Low temperatures outside

If it is beginning to rain or there is a lot of humidity out, the water takes longer to evaporate than normal. This leads to an excessive accumulation of moisture in the window type air conditioner, causing water leakage. It should be noted that this happens to other air conditioning units and is solved using a drip tray.

  1. – Malfunction of the condenser pump

If the condenser pump is not working properly or is stuck, it will cause water leakage. If you have technical knowledge, you can review it personally and look for a block or loose cable without any help from air conditioner brands in India. If the pump appears to be in the fine state, you will have to test it to see if it is defective.

Unpleasant Odor From The Air Conditioner: Causes And Solutions

Extended and efficient operation of the air conditioner in your home is the task of every manufacturer of climate technology. The devices are equipped with filtration systems for air purification, and yet some owners of air conditioners often have a problem of an unpleasant smell coming from the indoor unit. What is the reason? These can be mass. And it’s not always in the low quality of the device.

Where does the unpleasant smell come from?

The process of air cooling is the task of the heat exchanger located in the internal unit of the device. Its temperature is always lower than the temperature of the ambient air, and an imbalance of temperature indices leads to the formation of condensate. Moisture flows into a special compartment – the tray, from which it is pointed out through the drainage pipes. If the humidity is stagnant (the tube is clogged), it “collects” dust and bacteria, which, reproducing, and produce an unpleasant odor.

Filters installed by split air conditioner manufacturers in India in the air conditioner have a particular lifetime. After this period they cease to cope with the tasks assigned to them and do not purify the air of smells. Moreover, they become their source.

The smell can also appear if you turned on the air conditioner after an extended period of inactivity. During this time, the bacteria accumulated in the system and felt great. Also, the smell can be formed due to the drying of moisture in the siphon.

If your room is air-conditioned, the condensate from which is diverted to the sewer, there is a risk of leakage, and, therefore, all the dirty water enters the room. Hence there is an unpleasant smell.

Conventional air conditioners (not channel or models with supply systems) do not take air from the street but chase the wind out of the room through themselves. And not everyone is able to clean this air of extraneous smells effectively. Therefore, when there is a source of “fragrance” in the room itself, most likely, the same “fragrance” will come from the air conditioner.

What to do?

To prevent the formation of fungus, the reproduction of bacteria, you need to help your air conditioner. The help consists in thorough cleaning of the indoor unit and drainage. Having disassembled the unit, rinse all the parts (you can use disinfectants), and do not forget to dry them Continue reading

How Can I Save By Buying an Air Conditioner?

When buying an air conditioner, many make for themselves a not very pleasant discovery. It turns out that this thing is not cheap. And how do you want this miracle of technology not only to be more reasonable but also served for a long time and very efficiently? Therefore, when shopping, there is a desire to where to buy Intec air conditioner as cheap as possible. But do not forget that saving is not useful in all cases, for good reason they say: “Miserly pays twice.” So how and on what can you save on buying an air conditioner?

So, choosing an air conditioner can save on:

  • Interesting, but by no means the most necessary functions. Choosing in favor of the classic standard configuration of air conditioning, you can save a fairly substantial amount.
  • An older model. After all, those models of air conditioners, which were popular a few years ago, will undoubtedly save your money. Also, and this is another plus, you can learn on the thematic forums already formed the opinion of people about these models.
  • The so-called “winter” purchase of air conditioning. The fact is that if you make a purchase not at the height of the season of sales of a particular product, it can give about 50% of the discount (this usually happens in winter and autumn).
  • Thanks to timely consultation with a highly qualified air conditioning specialist, who can choose a more acceptable or even optimal option that is right for you.
  • Brand (brand) conditioner. Before making a final choice, bending over to one or another model, it would be a good idea to compare products with approximately the same functionality, but produced by different manufacturers. Thanks to this you will be capable of seeing how much you are, by purchasing an air conditioner not so much an advertised brand, you will be able to get them at low window air conditioner price.

When choosing an air conditioner, it is advisable not to save on:

  • It’s capacity. If the cooling capacity of the selected air conditioner is not by the calculated, the comfortable conditions in the room cannot be created. The air conditioner just cannot maintain the required parameters at the proper level.
  • Installing the air conditioner. After all, the longevity and quality of the work of technology with unprofessional installation will be under significant threat.
  • As an air conditioner. Any unknown manufacturer, although it is not necessary at all, can sell the device from parts that have poor characteristics, not passed individual tests or does not meet the quality standards. In the future, there may be problems with the maintenance of such air conditioners.

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Common Air conditioner Errors and Their Maintenance Tips

Problems in work can occur in any air conditioning, regardless of their high cost and “elite” brand. Speech in the article is mainly about split-systems since they are the most “whimsical” and demanding of proper operation.

So do not think that by installing an Intec air conditioner, you are automatically protected from all kinds of failures. On the contrary, such a technique requires even more careful observance of all rules for its use.

To understand what can happen to the breakdown of the air conditioner, we first consider its internal device.

The split system includes internal and external units. In the outer part, which is located outside the room, there is a compressor, a radiator (often called a condenser) and a fan designed to blow out the condenser. The indoor unit also consists of a heater (internal radiator called an evaporator) and a fan designed to distribute air evenly throughout the room. During the installation of the air conditioner, the two units of the split-system are connected by means of copper pipes. In the tubes, there is a pressurized mixture of Freon gas with compressor oil. Now let’s consider what can fail in this design.

  1. Pollution of filters in the interior of the air conditioner. These filters are designed to clean incoming air from the street, and they also protect other parts of the air conditioner from all sorts of debris. Filters can be compared to a dust collector of a vacuum cleaner. Usually, the screen is a grid with small cells and is located under the front panel of the indoor unit. It is necessary to monitor the purity of filters and clean them regularly. For this, the mesh should be washed in warm water and dried. This is usually described in detail in the operating instructions for the air conditioner.

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Enjoy the Home With a Quality Air Conditioning Also in Winter

Undoubtedly, a quality air conditioner is an excellent ally in the summer season, but it must be taken into account that it is also an ideal option to heat homes throughout the winter. At present, the best technology is at the service of the citizen. Society is experiencing rapid technological progress, where the least possible environmental impact, as well as fully satisfy the demands of the consumer, is becoming increasingly important. A good example is a less power consumption air conditioner that provides optimal functionality at an affordable price for anyone.

The air conditioning today

At a national and global level, almost all sectors are aware of climate change. Over the years, more extreme temperatures are reached both in summer and in winter and homes, necessarily, have to adapt to these inclement weather.

Currently, air conditioning in homes seems essential and will continue to be more in the future. The demand for air equipment has risen considerably in recent times, and almost all households have these devices; even people who do not yet have them plan to install one in the short term. In the case of older adults, the fact of having an air conditioner is vital, due to the high temperatures of summer and the frigid days of autumn and winter.

And, currently, air conditioners have been implemented in the home as well as televisions or refrigerators, thanks to its many features at any time of year. In winter, specifically, air conditioners have the following advantages over other heating systems:

Intec‬ Air Conditioners

A heating system with heat pump, as is the case of Continue reading

Differences Between Cassette and Duct Air Conditioners

If there are two systems of air conditioning of quality, these are the duct and cassette. We explain what these two air conditioning systems – which prestigious brands such as Intec window air conditioner manufacturers in India put at your disposal – and their advantages.

Duct air conditioning system


It is an air system regulated by a network of programmable grids strategically arranged where the air flow comes out so that the installation is fully integrated into the building.

The advantages of this system are:

  • Zoning allows regulating in each zone where the grids are the adequate temperature. Each room has its thermostat, and this communicates with the automated network. When the programmed temperature is reached, the grid closes so as not to over-cool (or overheat, if it is a heat pump) the room.
  • Aesthetics: it is a model where space saving and aesthetics prevail, being entirely embedded in the ceiling. He no longer has to endure bulky and unsightly mechanisms of air distribution, reserving the considerable space they occupy for other tasks.
  • Local and centralized control: The ducted air conditioning system can be controlled by a thermostat in each room, or centralized in the maintenance area of the building.
  • Energy saving: Thanks to the programming of the desired temperature, you save on energy, contributing to the reduction of your electricity bill, the elimination of unfortunate oversights by “leaving” the air invested and the conservation of the environment.

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What is The Best Manufacturer of Air Conditioners?


The hot days come, and there is nothing better to enjoy and rest at home than a good air conditioning system. In the current market, we can find a wide variety of high-quality products, but we all always ask ourselves the same question: what is the best air conditioning today?

The best benefits

It is true that the variety of models can make us doubt about the system to choose. The first thing we have to look for is top air conditioner brands in India with good features. The energy efficiency of 5-star models is quite expensive to be affordable for all, and then there are many who after their low-cost prices hide a high bill at the end of the month. In addition to higher efficiency, a good quality air conditioner help reduces the impact on the environment.

Another important aspect when installing an air conditioning system Continue reading

Advantages of a New AC Versus a Second-Hand One


There are a number of technical advantages when purchasing a new HVAC equipment and we consider it essential that you take them into account when making a decision:

  1. Energy efficiency

The new air conditioning systems have energy optimization systems designed to make consumption more efficient. It supposes a decrease in the cost of electricity, as well as a lower environmental impact. For example, teams of air conditioning from Intec air conditioner are market leaders in energy saving systems, and also for its silent technology.

  1. Wi-Fi control

This tool brought by the new air conditioning equipment makes our life easier because we can program and control it at all times from the place where we are. There will no longer be the question of: “Did I leave the air on?” Nor will we have the classic thought of: “the house will be like an oven when it arrives.”


  1. Air quality

To cool the room, the air conditioning units pass the air of the room through some fibers that cool it down. The more time a team has, the more bacteria and microorganisms accumulate in it. It, as we have already pointed out, can contaminate the air that is breathed in the home. For this reason, it is safer to purchase a new less power consumption air conditioner. Once Continue reading

The Benefits of Acquiring a Low-Consumption Air Conditioner


During the summer or those months of very hot weather, an air conditioning at home becomes almost indispensable to be comfortable and cool during the day and night. As we know, air conditioners usually consume a large amount of energy and their constant use during the hot season can become more of an economic problem than a pleasure, adding tens of euros to our electricity bill.

Luckily, there are many models in the market that are able to consume little amount of energy. These are known as low-consumption air conditioners and are the ideal option if you want to incorporate freshness into your home without compromising your finances and respecting the environment.

Low-energy air conditioners limit their functions to maintain a cold or hot room if the appliance also has a heat pump- using a minimum amount of energy. Those home appliances brands in India that have an energy rating of type A, from A + to A +++, can be considered as low consumption. The operation of one of these types of air conditioners is totally conventional and is ideal if you are looking only for an appliance that can keep your room at a comfortable temperature.


Currently, it is possible to find hundreds of models of air conditioners of low consumption of different brands, in different categories. Depending on the characteristics Continue reading

How to Save Electricity When Using the Air Conditioner

Efficient air conditioning equipment reduces consumption up to 60% without reducing benefits

When the summer ends and the receipt of the light of the hottest months arrives, it is normal to take your hands to your head. Its amount is astronomical, primarily due to the high energy consumption of air conditioning systems. However, with a rational use of this type of air conditioner brands in India, it is possible to be fresh at home without spending too much.


This year, after the continued rise in the price of electricity and the increase in a VAT , it is more important than ever to follow a series of savings guidelines that are detailed below, so that in September no one is frozen when receiving the bill of the light.

Buy an efficient team- People who still do not have air conditioning at home and need it are in time to acquire a device that consumes less electricity. In the Institute Continue reading